Our friend Hubert send us these old pictures out of the archives of the city of Karlsruhe…. cool old Volkswagen pictures!
cool huh?
wish you a sweet Sunday with cool VW dreams…:)
Two weeks ago we supplied 10 of our roofs at once, we can say our boxvan had a pretty load!
Thanks for the order Etienne!
VirginOutlaws,com strikes again!!
Death straight and super solid, only place it needs attention is battery tray, this baby is all burned of and faded from what we think sitting since the seventies in a walnut orchard somewhere inland California not to far from Paso Robles…
What a beast!! This is pure patina, more would be illegal!!
This baby is on its way home and we’re expecting it somewhere in january… and yes it will be for sale…
If you’re interested, just let me know, I’m easy to reach on Bob@BBT4VW.com