

7 mai 2010 - Inside BBT

7 mai 2010 - Random

Wawh, this is not the name for one or another funky chinese dish, but nothing less like the infamous “bullet samba” .

This 21 window Samba (or Micro bus deluxe for You americans) was sitting in a piece of wild desert for many years and very misabused by cowboys, americanos, gringos and all the look-a-likes!  Every time they came by they shot a couple of bullets through it! So over the years the bus got a couple of hunderd bullet holes, literally from “every angle”….

All this turns it in this beautiful piece of art it is today… for sure one of my favourites!

5 mai 2010 - Rare and for sale

A real steel Feb. 1953 Porsche Pre A project arrived at BBT to sell!

ever fancy of an early Porsche? this might be your perfect entrance into the wonderfull world of real 356 cars…

nothing beats the look of a “knikscheibe” porsche…

Experience “paradise by the dashboard light” any time soon!

This car is now in the works for the photoshoot, fancy in a pre sale deal? don’t hesitate to trow me a line on


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