By now most of you have seen VW launched the new VW bus at the Pebble beach week, or better called the Monterey car week….
Rick, Tom & Mark, 3 very close friend of Da BBT Houze, helped full force to make that happen, Mark granted several of his split window buses as courtesy cars… Rick orchestrated, and Tom… drove with the board of directors in a 21 window samba to get the gentlemen where they belonged…
Some “atmosphere” pictures only for you, straight from the USA
Congrats to our friends! They did a wonderful job!
Oh Yes, and Porsche announced Rennsport IV reunion for next year at the Peninsula, maybe time to ship the BBT speedster back from where it came for a holiday?
Bas and Joost PGSG came in on last Monday after my Saturday call for a “test bus” to fit the 1st sample of our bulkhead, we started right away and by Wednesday we knew the two small details we needed to know before we can start production. The details been already passed on to the tooling company. once these tooling trim is finished we will asap let deliver tooling to stamping plant and hope to ship first fresh produced bulkheads to BBT HQ in October….
.They will be available from somewhere November more than likely, but we will try to speed up!
We take reservations from now on, but plse understand this is the early Bulkhead (the half-moon in the back) past barn door (03/55) and only fit up to VIN nr 971549… if sales will satisfy we will make also the later model bulkhead….
We will try to get some pictures and a movie from the stamping process….
Thanks to Bas and Joost to grant their bus to us for testing, and bring them same day… this was good!
We continue to the next projects, parcel trays, gasflapdoors, side gates for pick ups, cab doors etc etc, many things going through our minds and been in various states on drawing tables to really close for production … stay tuned on BBT blog for all info and know it first….
BBT… nobody can beat our passion!
No clue how many but hundreds, several hundreds if not a thousand tractors signed present for the 29th oldtimer festival on the airfield of Weelde, one of Belgium’s most Northern towns, pretty close to the Dutch borders…
Besides tractors there was also any other old machinery and period old authentic caravans who create a special atmosphere. No less than 50 are present. Also check out the interior. Handmade woodcarving and carved windows turn some of them into real gems.
Further there we’re old trucks, army trucks, stationary engines, motorcycles, even some display of chain saws!
I will try to give You an impression below, but i must admit, we had a wonderful day yesterday….