

29 dezember 2011 - customers

One of our Italian customers sended the stone bottle below as a present for our Christmas… offcourse our Italian is not that good, but from what he understand he found it at the remains of an old ancient Roman building… yeah probably my grand grand grand ans way further grandfathers where  bussy as BBT already, making chariots for arena fights and the like… well I know they must have been real good!  LOL…

We like to thank big time for this beautiful gift!

27 dezember 2011 - customers

when Gonzo visit his father in the fall he always take some parts for some Thai BBT customers… while Bangkok was still flooded, Gonzo set up a meeting at the airport on his way back…

where ever in the world, we get your parts to You!

26 dezember 2011 - Inside BBT

Bob behind the BBT counters, an experience? Experience yourself….  You can meet Bob in top nob shape and plain form, he will handle BBT counter questions between Xmass and the New year! Find him in BBT shop during limited opening hours due to the holiday’s….

 Monday 26/12 – Saturday 31/12 every day from 10.00 till 15.00hrs… 

If You’re affraid to reconise, here’s the pic! Woehaaaaaa


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