30 januar 2021 - Fun

Sephia can do wonders with your pictures…:)

Enjoy your sunday….

29 januar 2021 - NEW

It is nice to see and follow the clash between the pharma industries, who makes the vaccines, and the politicians who try to get their population vaccinated.

It looks like a game, where  one wants to control the other.

Deliveries started only a while ago and most governments are already talking about legal actions….

To us it looks more like a clash, a clash of titans! Although titans would do it the adult way, what I can’t say about our politicians. Don’t they all want to be on the first row?  The “look what I did” way? “Oh and if you can’t follow, you can just resign….” for sure you find a reason…..:)

Who do you think will win? Right…nobody… better to cooperate and work together…

Also a clash, seems to be our UK to EU relationship, especially in transport. Happily, we can say that most of our shipments from the first week of the year have finally been delivered to our UK distributors. Those of you who haven’t receive it yet, it will follow in the upcoming days for sure…

We hope things will speed up in the near future, we try everything to help. We updated our software already several times with all  what it is needed for customs between our continent and the island (that unhappily) voted against us.

 But whatever happened or what future will look like, it’s very clear after this horror month of logistic problems, negotiations are not finished yet and we have to work hard that UK stays a preferred business partner of the EU, maybe the most important foreign business partner, or at least to the level like Switzerland and Norway.

Another clash we’ve seen in Western Europe last week is the weather. Wow! We don’t remember it being this wet in ages!

Wet…. bad idea… let’s stay inside and work on VW’s, at least that was what we did last week. We actually may not have  worked on a car, but we enlarged our program with following cool new products for you.

Just to make your VW life an easier life… without a clash, without rain, wet, or logistic problems but simply with good parts, that your (and our) VW deserves!

We kick off this week with a repair panel for the Karmann Ghia engine lid.
It is no secret to anyone the engine lid of the Karmann Ghia can be counted for its weakest spots.

We used to buy Karmann Ghia’s out of the desserts @ the West Coast of the USA, dry as a bone, but the engine lid always had rust on the lower edge, always.

As making complete new engine lids is not for tomorrow (yet) we decided to stock at least the repair panel for it.
This is the lower 15 cm (about 6 inch) of the outer side of your engine lid. Made in right angles and with correct curves.

Ready to replace that lower rust section and make your Karmann Ghia engine looks “great” again.

0889-700 Outer enginelid panel underside (15cm) – Karmann Ghia

More Karmann Ghia parts this week!
Frustration might have been the right description, which made us to bring you this next product.

Working on a car late at night only to discover we did not have the screws needed to mount the door lock catch on the B pillar for a Ghia. Reason enough to do a small investigation.

Finding out that there is actually one type of a screw needed for all door lock catches we made our own.
We’re happy now to welcome the new screw which mounts all door lock catches on the B pillar on your Ghia. You see, our frustration mainly doesn’t stay for too long….

With this new screw we give you the mounting solutions  for all door strikers or lock catches whatever you want to call them;

BBT 0438-750 for up to 1963

BBT 0438-765 as a repair set for 63-66

BBT 0438-770 & -0771 for all Ghia’s 1966 and later

8772-08-035 Countersunk cross head screw M8 x 35mm Din 965

More and more engine builders prefer to “restore” old engine cases versus using a new one. Several reasons apply…
Top 3 of the reasons we hear the most is availability, accuracy and price.

Well to help when refurbishing your old engine case we bring you these small necessitie :
oil gallery plugs. To rebuild that engine case the right way you will have to open (drill) all your oil galleries.

To close these galleries again after a thorough cleaning, we sell now these full set of oil gallery plugs.
You will have to tap treat in the top of the gallery and mount these plugs with some Loctite to close them well, after all they hold your oil pressure.

Another good necessity to build a better engine.

1819-200 Oil gallery plug set (12)  7x 1/8″, 2x 1/4″, 3×3/8

This week’s product in the picture kicks off with our in house produced Jailbar kit for all type 2’s from ‘65 up to ’79.
This kit is made up from quality forged German aluminum. The corners are bent in the correct radius (top/bottom are different) and contain all the bars, end pieces, centre bracket, screws ready to fit directly into your bus.

0564-35 – Jailbarkit – Bus 08/67-07/79

Next we have these stainless steel safari sliders produced by BBT which are unique in it’s form as they come with a notch at the far end, so your safari’s stay open without having to put pressure on your wing nut(s).

0397-016 – Safari sliders with stop – Type -07-67

And finally for the fans of performance engines we have the Autometer fuel pressure gauge with a range from 0 to 1 bar – Ø 67mm.

2635 – Fuel pressure gauge – All types

And remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for or need a particular part you can call us on +32 (0)3 633 22 22 or email info@BBT4VW.com.

We wish you all a happy weekend!

29 januar 2021 - NEW

It is nice to see and follow the clash between the pharma industries, who makes the vaccines, and the politicians who try to get their population vaccinated.

It looks like a game, where  one wants to control the other.

Deliveries started only a while ago and most governments are already talking about legal actions….

To us it looks more like a clash, a clash of titans! Although titans would do it the adult way, what I can’t say about our politicians. Don’t they all want to be on the first row?  The “look what I did” way? “Oh and if you can’t follow, you can just resign….” for sure you find a reason…..:)

Who do you think will win? Right…nobody… better to cooperate and work together…

Also a clash, seems to be our UK to EU relationship, especially in transport. Happily, we can say that most of our shipments from the first week of the year have finally been delivered to our UK distributors. Those of you who haven’t receive it yet, it will follow in the upcoming days for sure…

We hope things will speed up in the near future, we try everything to help. We updated our software already several times with all  what it is needed for customs between our continent and the island (that unhappily) voted against us.

 But whatever happened or what future will look like, it’s very clear after this horror month of logistic problems, negotiations are not finished yet and we have to work hard that UK stays a preferred business partner of the EU, maybe the most important foreign business partner, or at least to the level like Switzerland and Norway.

Another clash we’ve seen in Western Europe last week is the weather. Wow! We don’t remember it being this wet in ages!

Wet…. bad idea… let’s stay inside and work on VW’s, at least that was what we did last week. We actually may not have  worked on a car, but we enlarged our program with following cool new products for you.

Just to make your VW life an easier life… without a clash, without rain, wet, or logistic problems but simply with good parts, that your (and our) VW deserves!

We kick off this week with a repair panel for the Karmann Ghia engine lid.
It is no secret to anyone the engine lid of the Karmann Ghia can be counted for its weakest spots.

We used to buy Karmann Ghia’s out of the desserts @ the West Coast of the USA, dry as a bone, but the engine lid always had rust on the lower edge, always.

As making complete new engine lids is not for tomorrow (yet) we decided to stock at least the repair panel for it.
This is the lower 15 cm (about 6 inch) of the outer side of your engine lid. Made in right angles and with correct curves.

Ready to replace that lower rust section and make your Karmann Ghia engine looks “great” again.

0889-700 Outer enginelid panel underside (15cm) – Karmann Ghia

More Karmann Ghia parts this week!
Frustration might have been the right description, which made us to bring you this next product.

Working on a car late at night only to discover we did not have the screws needed to mount the door lock catch on the B pillar for a Ghia. Reason enough to do a small investigation.

Finding out that there is actually one type of a screw needed for all door lock catches we made our own.
We’re happy now to welcome the new screw which mounts all door lock catches on the B pillar on your Ghia. You see, our frustration mainly doesn’t stay for too long….

With this new screw we give you the mounting solutions  for all door strikers or lock catches whatever you want to call them;

BBT 0438-750 for up to 1963

BBT 0438-765 as a repair set for 63-66

BBT 0438-770 & -0771 for all Ghia’s 1966 and later

8772-08-035 Countersunk cross head screw M8 x 35mm Din 965

More and more engine builders prefer to “restore” old engine cases versus using a new one. Several reasons apply…
Top 3 of the reasons we hear the most is availability, accuracy and price.

Well to help when refurbishing your old engine case we bring you these small necessitie :
oil gallery plugs. To rebuild that engine case the right way you will have to open (drill) all your oil galleries.

To close these galleries again after a thorough cleaning, we sell now these full set of oil gallery plugs.
You will have to tap treat in the top of the gallery and mount these plugs with some Loctite to close them well, after all they hold your oil pressure.

Another good necessity to build a better engine.

1819-200 Oil gallery plug set (12)  7x 1/8″, 2x 1/4″, 3×3/8

This week’s product in the picture kicks off with our in house produced Jailbar kit for all type 2’s from ‘65 up to ’79.
This kit is made up from quality forged German aluminum. The corners are bent in the correct radius (top/bottom are different) and contain all the bars, end pieces, centre bracket, screws ready to fit directly into your bus.

0564-35 – Jailbarkit – Bus 08/67-07/79

Next we have these stainless steel safari sliders produced by BBT which are unique in it’s form as they come with a notch at the far end, so your safari’s stay open without having to put pressure on your wing nut(s).

0397-016 – Safari sliders with stop – Type -07-67

And finally for the fans of performance engines we have the Autometer fuel pressure gauge with a range from 0 to 1 bar – Ø 67mm.

2635 – Fuel pressure gauge – All types

And remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for or need a particular part you can call us on +32 (0)3 633 22 22 or email info@BBT4VW.com.

We wish you all a happy weekend!


* indicates required









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