

8 februar 2015 - Fun

Let me show you a couple of really hard-working trucks from back in the day, aged well, very cool, but why are they looking so angry? Not ready to retire huh?
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1 februar 2015 - Fun

Many people ask me if there is still a lot of americana left in the US… for sure there is, not too much in the over urbanized places, but once you go to the country side, americana is still part of the daily life, big time… as Hot Rods are… I thought these where a couple of good examples of what I call patina in a time capsule, when was this picture taken? 1965 or 2014?

It fit all so nice together….

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25 januar 2015 - Fun

Patina is without any doubt the absolute perfect fit for a VW…. My friend Randy has a beautiful top chop early big window from back in the day that has a gorgeous patina to it… don’t forget to check on the interior panels as well!

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