Finally I managed to have a certain quantity of the hard to find Weltmeister wheelcentercaps…
For those who are on the look out they understand how hard they are to find, and in a quantity like this its very weird… well If You need them just drop us a line, You know we have them now…
Original setup…
When beetle parts are doing slow, I always take my little fish toko and go to the beach, Yes I’m a multitasker… woehaaaa!
Hmmm maybe we should start a “whatsdizz???” contest over our blog, with nice prices like trips to Hawaii and the like… should talk to our bookkeeper…LOL…:)
Any way, whatsdizz??? is perfect to ask about the picture below, some times customers ask us to reproduce small series of small parts, I know somebody that gonna be very happy with this! as the market is dry, dry , dry! and yes, we can reproduce almost everything, as long is it Volkswagen and interesting…
Oh yeah, whatsdizz??? anyway? all reply’s welcome on…. and now I gonna deliver to the chroming company!
hint, You only need two per car…