Porobably no car is as fun to drive on snow and ice as a Beelte, anyway BBT Friend of Da Houze Ralf from Austria has a lot of fun with his friends….:)
We had our bit of snow the night saturday to sunday.
BBT is covered 10 cm in the white powder…
Snowy white carpet give beautiful picture opportunities…
If You like to share your pictures from your Volkswagens covered with snow, feel free to share with all of us, Info@BBT4vw.com and we can make a nice Blog from covered Volkswagens…:)
From the archieves from Wilfried Loontiens we like to share (with his authorisation) some real cool old pictures captured by his father, proffesional photographer, Kamiel Loontiens.
This is how city centers looked, back in the day, full of our beloved VW’s!
Happy Sunday to all BBT friends!