

7 december 2020 - NEW

In our aim to build perfect Bay window cab doors we have now the doors completely digitized.

Also the tooling development is completely engineered. For the outer skin we need 7 tools in total, for the inner frame, there’s 6.  Total of 13 tools for each side, so we need 26 tooling’s for both sides in total. Knowing that every tooling exist out of three casting that’s 78 casting total… believe us this is a huge project!

We started the Styrofoam now in order to start the casting of the tooling.

We expect to see first samples of the Bay window cab doors by late summer or early fall 2021.

Stay tuned for all further updates on the Bay window cab door project on our BBT Blog….

6 december 2020 - Fun

Jos shared this cool picture from the local grocery shop at the “Zwaantjes”.

For the locals, “Zwaantjes” is where the VII Olmpiadelaan becomes the Antwerpsesteenweg and where Antwerp becomes Hoboken, or about…:) .

A area very familiar area where you could spot my granddad regulary driving his 1950 barndoor for deliveries. My grand parents bakery being “just around the corner”.

This is a real cool shot and the little panel van looked like pretty new to me! In 1957 it was…

Keep on dreamin’, Happy Sunday…

5 december 2020 - Fun

Not exactly a VW Schwimmwagen, but this bus prototype crossed the Elbe river in Hamburg Germany, with succes!

Check out the cool movie!

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