Yep its all over, the Open House, the Convoy and Bad Camberg… was it great? You bet, and You should be part of it next time! Believe me!
Some atmosphere pictures…
This is what we call a swap meet…:)
Splits and ovals in any color You like
Mr Pino scratching his foot…
While his wife does the hard work, as usual…
Look into my house??
The British innercercle was present…
Adam what are you think You doing there?
The laddertruck was placed prominently with its banner…:)
Dr Thomas his 1950 convertible is really nice, love it!!
Hebmuller show, what color You like?
Gerry from Cagero Switzerland brought out his Judson blown Lowlight
Thomas and Ertel from Bavaria Pickers brought out this ultra cool Austrian Dannenhauer & Stauss…
The French served “Aperitive”…:)
Steve and the crew of BBT hot Rod in Spain had a wonderful time with the BBT 64 samba the whole weekend! A perfect hauler…
Cyril in “his” Vintage Volkswagen, learn them early, play them later!
Sad one car had to be towed, the BBT back up team changed everything but this stiffhead was not willing to go as it should…..
End good all good, Buddy Bill and yours truly after a hectic couple of days having a beer at to celebrate the return…:)
Thanks to everything and everybody involved, didn’t we all had the time of our lives?
Thanks to you, the BBT open house was again a great success.
Photos will follow in the coming days
Today at 9.00 a.m. the convoy left BBT to Bad Camberg
Have a nice trip.