Since BBT started almost 25 years ago in a backyard, the starter team existed initially out of 3 parties… Arlette, Bob and Bank van Breda, our financial partner. Together with this partner BBT already realized many projects of different kind. Dieter, our relation with Bank van breda, came along to see the result from our recent co-operation and brought some nice flowers.
A new trailer arrived to improve our logistic services. With this trailer we can skip some restrictions in a legal way which we encountered when we used our previous MAN truck. With it’s 10.60 m³ extra volume and 1.800 kg load capacity this trailer will be usefull to get the parts out of our warehouse to a dealer in your area.
Kukie prepares himself to take off and get the first order.
There he goes, away from the collection area into the forrest of shelves and parts. Hopefully he returns safely.
Found the location! Now he can put the items into the basket…
And makes his return to the collection area.
The vintage desk bell shows it’s value now, finished picking list returns to administration office where Stephanie takes over.
This consumer will now receive order confirmation soon, maybe this was your order???
And off we go again… A new order will be processed.
As soon our warehouse wizzards get used to work this way they will be perfectly be able to process several orders at the same time. This will make sure your order will be taken in short time after you’ve send it to us.