now it can’t be more crazy as this one, enjoy the movie!!
Antony Vourdachas from Greece is a long time BBT friend and customer, he finished his oval window ragtop with pride after many years and shared his pictures with us, cool ride uh?
Real cars are made by real people with real parts, let BBT help You like we helped Anthony… and Antony, great job buddy, we’re proud we can cooperate on your projects!
A very happy new year..what a cliché, but so true! May 2019 bring what 2018 has forgotten to you all, and that only in a positive way of course.
Worldwide we have plenty of stuff to talk about. The most interesting is the economic recession that might come, or not…. Some analysts state there’s a new financial crisis so short which might be even worse than 2008. Others say it will go down in 2019 but not as bad as it seems to show. The last group will tell you there’s nothing going on, the little dip on the financial markets in 2018 was just a small correction and everything will bloom again in 2019. All these analyst are well-studied, Doctors in economy or kind of and we can tell that they are all smart enough to back up their theories. Only time will show who’s right…:)
In Volkswagenland we don’t see dark clouds showing up. Of course the Volkswagen world is changing, but that’s happening since the first beetle appeared on a drawing board in the thirties. So nothing wrong with that! We’re complete ready to share and work real hard to cope all new challenges together. We, @ BBT, are in this Volkswagen spare parts top sport for over 30 years and are fully trained and equipped for many years to come! Let’s stay partners and let us serve you!
We bring this high quality front panel for early bay window in a perfect fit quality.
Made by our preferred partner Wolfsburg West this closes the gap between the readily available Split window bus front panels under the BBT ref numbers 0890-99 and the BBT production late bay window front panel at very competitive pricing under BBT ref 0891-990.
We have these front panels readily available from our stocks.
0891-989 Front panel with windshield surround (10cm) – Bus 08/67-07/72 TQ
We also got these fuel senders in, especially for fuel injection bugs (late Mexican bugs) this fuel gauge is very very specific to these models Beetles.
In our steering department we enlarged our line of seals with these seals for late bay window steering boxes.
Many times dried out or just leaking you will need new seals at each rebuild. These will fit only on ORIGINAL late bay window steering box, will not fit aftermarket steering boxes.
Seals for Split window and early bay window bus steering boxes we have already available under BBT ref 1368-210 & 1368-211.
1368-310 Grease seal steering box top – Bus 08/72-07/79
1368-311 Grease seal drop arm – Bus 08/72-07/79
The new Airmighty arrived and the portfolio too! Always nice memorable moments to receive a new Airmighty, world’s top leading VW lifestyle magazine…
9496-PO-18 Airmighty Portfolio 2018
The following products arrived back in stock after way too long being unavailable.
Finally we could ZF/TRW/Varga convince to run a new production for the 1302-03 master cylinders in the old good quality. We’re proud we can bring the good old quality to the market again!
1203 Master cylinder – 1302-1303 / TRW
Also the door panel set for the convertible beetles are back in stock.
0550-150 Doorpanel set Beetle convertible – black – 4 pcs Type 1 08/66-07/72
With this we like to close our first 2019 BBT News on Friday and wish you a very well-balanced and healthy start for the new year, let’s run together! and don’t worry about market analysts, the future will come anyway, enjoy every moment you can and try to work with a long-term vision so we can create a world where our children can live well too!