Our inventory is mind blowing at the moment, parts is busting out of the shelves and cars we currently stock are almost a VW show on their own, a couple of car warehouse pictures I wanted to share, if You know somebody that’s on the market for a real Volkswagen or for real Volkswagen parts well just point him in the “right” direction… BBT rules… our passion is second to none!
Beside our cool monthly publicity this month’s Super VW nr 240 features no less as two ex BBT cars, wonderful don’t You think?
Mr Arnaud Fey with the magic Blue Zwitter ragtop and Mr Fabrice Brunel with his more then lovely split, thanks for buying BBT guys! Keep up the great job, and congratulations with your beautiful features!
Of course a big thanks also to the redaction of Super VW, Serge, Julien, you’re the guys, we’re not tired yet, we like more from this! let the passion flows!
So if You don’t have the number 240 yet, well run to the Bookstore NOW! to buy it, or even better go straight online and subscribe today… french magazines just have style!!! http://www.supervwmag.com (click on US flag for english language)