Not too much happy news lately, war, inflation, energy cost…. it only gets worse.
You’re happy to hear about the birth of an Okapi baby in your local Zoo, at least a positive sign of life!
As every week we try to bring our portion of (VW) happiness with our product updates.
This week we launched some small but oh, so necessary parts!
Welcome to the BBT News.
We will stock from now the valve stem seal.
By many discussed it’s neither or not necessary to mount these, VW used them original so we decided to follow them.
The valve stem seal actually seals the valve guide when the valve opens, on in- and exhaust valve a like.
Sold each.
1737-050 Valve stem seal (8mm)
We changed our part numbers for our cylinder stud washer for easy search and order.
Cylinder and cylinder heads are hold down on their studs by long special designed nuts over thick “fat” washers to give maximum stability.
BBT supplies the complete family of these correct nuts and washers, in black color exactly as original.
1598-001 Washer cylinder stud 8.4mm
Nuts & washers for 8mm studs you find HERE
Nuts & washers for 10mm studs you find HERE
Check our quantity pricing!
Late model Deluxe and export model beetles had a chrome molding around their “eyebrows” behind their rear quarter windows.
We already supplied quarter grills with a brushed stainless steel molding.
We now laced these with these quarter grills with chromed stainless molding for ultra-shiny finish!
0485-055 Quarter grills Black/Stainless (Chrome) – Beetle 08/70- (pair)
Our complete line of quarter grills or eyebrows you can find HERE
A real necessity for your splitty bus is this push rod that connects your accelerator pedal with your lever mechanism under the cab floor that connects your accelerator cable.
Worn out, bent or missing when your splitty came as a basket case, we now supply a perfect replacement.
0285-070 Accelerator pedal push rod – Bus 03/55-07/67
This rod mounts with our spring BBT # 0285-090
BBT # 0289-06 is the rubber booth that closes the gap where this rod goes through the cab floor.
1357-050 Spacer on spindle for front wheelbearing – Bus -07/63, Bus Brazil -12/66 BBT
2195-0-055 Idle jet 55 Solex/Brosol/Empi
2195-0-060 Idle jet 60 Solex/Brosol/Empi
The BBT News team wishes you a relaxed, cool and colorful fall weekend!
Do You know what’s real or not?
Who cares, its cool to look at these early babies and just dream away!