Francisco from Buenos Argentina and Ronnie from Sao Paolo Brasil where awaiting me on my return from Texas… it was great to meet You again guys… I hope You liked the visit….
Pretty informal, we did a freeky picture as well… for all of you to share… LOL…
Came back from Texas on the Monday around lunch to find two visitors awaiting me… busy times again, when can I catch up the pile of work on my desk?…:)
Here some extra Texas pics…. Sunday morning my buddy Rick thought it would be good to “submerge” me into some real Americana… a breakfast in the waffle house… should had taken some shots from the inside, I saw a lot of different food, eggs, toasts, bacon pancakes, actually everything…except Waffles… strange guys these Americans… try it one out your next trip to the States, a little fifties style Americana, jukebox included, and, oh yes, they “yell” your order to the kitchen…
After breakfast and checking out a couple of cars they where not ok to buy to Euro standards we met some more people for kind a “lunch-o-breakfast” we only had a coffee, but the conversation was so good, I will never ever forget… Southern mentality… I love You guys! This all happened in a I-hop ( international House of Pancakes) the speciality in the South? Chicken and Waffles… well, I don’t know about that…:)
Me, some old and some new friends, or should I say; me and my brand new Texas family?
oeps, almost forgot the mandatory rental car pic… well everything’s big in Texas, so are the rentals… Chevy Tahoe, seven seater… I almost could life in that thing… the V8 performed real nice on the freeway.
so time to drive to airport and fly back home, Linda is awaiting for lunch….:)
Because of some railroad works in Holland after arrival in Schiphol I had to transfer trains in Amsterdam central station… I had a half an hour to kill so “peeped” outside and I saw this cool bike parking,…. on a boat… welcome to Holland…
after another 2.5 hour train ride (because of the rail road works)
Not to be indiscreet but I just hope you’re weekend was great as mine!
I jumped on a plane and spend my weekend in Texas, between real Cowboys…:)
or maybe I went there to watch bikes?
Nothing wrong about them, and they’re extremely cool, aren’they?
but of course that was not the reason I came here…. was there perhaps a car that caught my interest?
Is that my buddy BigTex who is sneaking into the engine compartment of an extreme clean 1965 Ghia convertible?
Even I bought the car and it will come to Belgium this was not the real reason of my visit… but with this I want to thank my buddy Jack “BigTex” very much to point me out the car…. Jerry (seller, at the right in the picture) I want to thank You to let me having the car! To me this was a perfect Friday night
Saturday morning…. now we come closer, is this not the kind a shop we all like?
is here some (NOS) parts have to be moved?
yammie? …………You ain’t seen nothing yet….
I hope to get more clear pictures any time soon, but I worked real hard to finish the inventory by Saturday night, so sorry I can’t show more nice pictures…
Me, my old buddy and my brand new friend, Yes! I had a great weekend and met real nice people! ad when I say real nice, I mean real real nice!
after a day of real hard work in hot Texas this sign is like a dream to come through…. let’s make a left here buddy!
btw if you like signs, they’ve plenty over there….
after feeding the innerBob another great visit awaited me, my (brand new as well) buddy Dennis and his amazing backyard Garage….
after all this a night sleep can do wonders…. today I have to check out another car and flying home, by the time You read this I’m sound safe back home if trains and planes are not delayed…
and about everything I did here, more pictures will follow, any time soon…:)
but one thing above all…. Texas is cool man! I want to thank all my old and new buddies I met this weekend…. I think I will be back anytime soon…
Now the question again….Was you’re weekend as excited as mine?….LOL…. life is made to have fun… to me that’s VW fun!
Drive safe!