13 december 2019 - NEW

Do you know what Santa will bring to you?

This is our last BBT news of the year and therefore we start wondering what will be in our socks on Christmas morning, don’t we? Well we have a big BBT sock with all NEW BBT goodies ready for you, and we’re glad to present them here….

Of course there’s more silver weld through this week, especially for pick up…. we start with the rear window panel for the beloved small early rear window. They fit later models for sure, but you will need to find another glass.

0890-781 Rear window panel pick-up – Bus 08/52-07/65 BBT

And of course that rear window panel has to stand on its beam, so we have also the beam for you.

0890-782 Rear window panel cross beam pick-up – Bus 08/52-07/67 BBT

On the inner side of that rear window panel, near the roof there’s this Pick Up very specific upper panel. This panel makes your pick up a little more cozy inside and holds your interior light.

0890-783 Rear window upper panel pick-up – Bus 08/52-07/67 BBT

This is also very specific for VW splittie bus, this little bracket helps your engine lid support to function ok in 55-63 buses and pick up trucks alike. It’s welded to the “D” pillar of the engine lid opening and holds the support on the lower side.

The single cab pick up uses the same plate for its treasure chest support.

0438-270 Engine lid support plate – Bus 03/55-12/63

If one window isn’t enough for looking through for you, well we set up to give you four windows next to each other so you simply don’t miss any view…:)

This is the inner panel only.

For your choice of upper side panel with window opening in ,or outside please CLICK HERE

0890-232 Sidewindow inner repair panel / complete for 4 windows Left – Bus -07/67

We’ve had this panel for a while, but since we produce them ourselves, we’re now able to offer them at 70% less than previous price!  That’s right, you get it, this is ONE THIRD of our old price !

It’s not only cheaper but it’s also way more accurate and it fits better. All of our silver weld through panels have been used by world’s top restoration shops and  we get only  positive comments. Or as one customer/user told us earlier this week, if BBT panels don’t fit there’s something wrong with the bus. The nicest compliment we had so far!

Dial in with the pro’s and use BBT’s Silver Weld Through as your next  restoration panel. You won’t regret it!

0890-235 Sidewindow inner repair panel / complete for 2 windows Right – Bus -07/67

We just finished our new Exploded View for the fresh airbox of your splitttie bus. Most parts are explained below.

BBT 7491-100 is the square rubber that closes the fresh air duct. This rubber is directly mounted on the fresh air control plate . Originally it has been used up to chassis 215 190 000, but you can use this all the way up to 07/67. We used to sell this rubber under BBT shop ref W667-211-817-757

7491-100 Air duct flap seal – Bus 03/55-07/67

BBT 7491-110 was introduced with the 1966 model year, but can be perfectly used on earlier buses as well. Together with BBT 7491-100 you get a perfect tight closure of your airbox!

We sold these rubbers under BBT shop ref W776-211-817-773A

7491-110 Air duct flap seal – Bus 08/65-07/67

0767-500 are the rubber bump stops for the air duct plate.

0890-895 is the closing plate for your fresh air box and BBT 7491-200 is the gasket (rubber) for that.

Due to popular demand and too many special orders we decided to enlarge our Engle Camshaft program with the W-90 what is a cam that’s pretty close to a stock cam for your Type 1 engine. As every Engle cam also the W90 is in extreme good quality and actually the best your money can buy.

1625-090 Engle W-90 Camshaft

We specified our seat paddings a bit more… as for the full width bus middle seat we have now two-part n°s  for the bottom. BBT 3545 goes for 55-63 and our new BBT 3545-100 goes from 1964 model year all the way up to end of the bay window production in July 1979.

3545-100 Seat padding middle seat bottom – Bus 08/63-07/79

And last but not least for this year, we like to introduce our little seal that sits right under your fuel flap lock. The finishing is into the details as we all know, this is such a detail!

0723-900 Seal for fuel flap lock – Bus 03/55-07/66

Longer unavailable than we wanted,but now we got them back … Honk your horns, here’s your new one!

0651 12 volt horn

As for everyone this time of the year, also we, at the BBT News redaction team,we  like to wish all  our readers the very best for the holidays, a very Merry Christmas and a complete satisfying and brilliant popping New Year! Spend some time during this holidays with your family and even more in your Garage…:)

See you back next year.

Footnote…. if there are any remarks, suggestions or feedback on the BBT News posts, plse feel free and write me at Peter@BBT4vw.com

12 december 2019 - Cars for Sale

All sorted out, brand new carburetors, ready to go anywhere.

Super clean interior, all original Adventure Wagen.

Its waiting on You, its ready for delivery!

Click the picture below for all information and the complete photo shoot!

11 december 2019 - Fun

Yep the roads been friendly to us, and the trackers did what they had to do…. finding more stuff, we try to summarize for you… so hope You enjoy to read…:)

Another VW junkyard on the menu today, are You tired of it yet? We don’t!

A lot of vintage Buggy’s out here!

This is how a real junkyard looks, right?

always cool to find an airplane between junk cars…:)

Wowh, when was the last time You saw a Opel on my Blog?

Patina to drool over….hmmmmmmm….

Hey Frank, Your parking permit is NOT valid anymore….:)

Vintage camping trailers are the hot ticket? This can still to be had cheap if you really want too!

or what about this? Is it a truck to go fishing?????

A Lloyd 600, or what’s left from it…

My personal favorite, how vintage cool is this?

Check this out! Somebody put a LOT of work into this one, its kind a cool car that looks like it come straight out of a comic!

I’m not sure but I guess its missing the middle part?

This is the never existed VW truck!

Scirroco MK I, I know its watercooled, but it talked to me on this yard, shall i bring it home? are you interested?

Wowh, that was so cool…. I want to thank the owner to let us take pictures and share with all of you….

so…. time to go back, find the airport, catch my plane back to California, some more road trips over there awaiting me……

Stay tuned!


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