We have a batch of the grey sprints available now, we redid the wrong grey colour in right grey colour with powder coating and are able to sell these in sets now…
The new production is also finished and almost ready, but due to electricity problems in China factory had to close down already several times and so delaying our production… all pressing is finished and the chromies being polished before plating… another month of production time they promised… and another six weeks of transport… well lets hope to start 2011 as a real sprintstar year!
Steve, our shop manager is Spain tested our Sprintstars on his patina bug, sjeez cool car Steve! You really got the style!
Hmmm maybe we should start a “whatsdizz???” contest over our blog, with nice prices like trips to Hawaii and the like… should talk to our bookkeeper…LOL…:)
Any way, whatsdizz??? is perfect to ask about the picture below, some times customers ask us to reproduce small series of small parts, I know somebody that gonna be very happy with this! as the market is dry, dry , dry! and yes, we can reproduce almost everything, as long is it Volkswagen and interesting…
Oh yeah, whatsdizz??? anyway? all reply’s welcome on Bob@bbt4vw.com…. and now I gonna deliver to the chroming company!
hint, You only need two per car…