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3 september 2009 - Meetings

Tomorrow I leave for the fifth Pre A only meeting… a drivers and enthusiast get together off die hards.. this year Holland takes the task of organisation, well i will tell Monday how it was…

I took the task of the badges…. exclusive preview only for BBT blog visitors!

0079 Pre A badges...

since I sold the 55 Continental and the 53 vert is still “under works” I took my best buddy’s 54 coupe that we have in consigment sale for a while, offcourse the Chromie Johnny Repro wheels had to go, a nice Pre A gives You ten times more looks on their little tiny 16’s… well i mounted my spare set for the weekend, Edwin the magic gave fuel pump and carbs a toriugh rebuild and we’re fixing the gaslinkage at moment of writing… this car will fly back and forth…

Country of cheese and windmills here we come!

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