"New" for us is "News" for you!
Every week we show you new products and release of new productions.

Welcome to the BBT News.

When Bob started BBT he drove a Notchback.
His love for Type 3's never faded since.

This helped our decision to expand our production of Type 3 rubbers.
Hard to find, commonly overpriced or simply not available we made brand new tooling for our own production.

Now worldwide available at fair price through the BBT distributor network.
Because of the quantities we produced we offer nice quantity discounts too! 

Check below our brand-new exploded view now online.
Type 3 hood and window seals already longer available HERE

Notchback, Fastback, Squareback or 34 Ghia, we serve them all !
More Type 3 chassis rubbers in the works and will be released soon.
New load of T25/T3/Vanagon door handles came in.
Same quality, much better price because of quantity produced.

Check us out!

Many deluxe bay windows came with the 2-seater middle seat.
Most of them have one thing in common….

A missing or heavily faded “broken” armrest.
We tooled up and made a new armrest, this was not easy, but we succeeded.

We now offer a brand-new state of the art armrest for a 2-seater bay window middle seat.
BBT NEWS team wishes you a splendid indian summer weekend!

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# views: 462
Category: NEW
Author: Peter Loos
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