7437Side window fastener, left
In Stock
Bus -07/67
7438Side window fastener, right
0370Vent wing lock, (anti-theft), as pair
0517-01Vent wing lock left / right
Limited stock
Beetle -07/64Beetle convertible -07/67 Bus -07/67
0517-015Vent wing lock catch, left/righteach
Beetle -07/64
0517-016Vent wing lock catch, left/righteach
Not In Stock
0517-02Vent wing lock right / Left
0517-03Vent wing lock Sedan, left, each
Beetle 08/64-07/67
0517-04Vent wing lock Sedan & Convertible, right, each
0517-05Vent wing lock, left, each
Beetle 08/67- Bus 08/67-07/79Type 3 08/71-
0517-06Vent wing lock, right, each
0517-07Vent wing lock Convertible, left, each
Beetle 08/67-
0517-08Vent wing lock Convertible, right, each
0517-15Rivet, for mounting Vent wing locks, Sedan, 4 pieces
0517-16Rivet, for mounting Vent wing locks, for Convertibles, 4 pieces
0517-19Pivots vent wing hinges
7110Vent wing top hinge convertible, as pair
Beetle 08/52-07/64
7111Vent wing hinge convertible, complete with screw, as pair
Beetle 08/64-07/72
7112Vent wing hinge convertible, complete with screw, as pair
7435-100Divider bar stainless steel, as pair
7435-500Divider bar clipeach
0512Door lock pulls chrome/wood
0512-1Door lock pulls chrome/black
0512-950Door lock pull Black
pieces of # in shopping cart.