2181-700Rebuild kit 34 ‘Weber‘ ICT carburettor
In Stock
2182-0Carburettor 32/36 progressive Weber
2189-250Carburettor linkage Okrasa style (OE)
On request
2101-000Intake manifolds Okrasa styleas pair
2101-050Balance tube between intake manifolds Okrasa styleset
2132-250Gasket under manifold Okrasa styleas pair
2133-500Gasket under carburettorSolex 32 PBIC / 32PDSIT
Not In Stock
Solex 32 PBIC OkrasaSolex 32PDSIT Type3 - 1600cc double carb
2151-000Air filter Okrasa styleeach
2151-500Okrasa style air filter elbows, as pair
2156-01Replacement air cleaner for BBT 2158-010 & 2158-250
2157Rectangular air cleaner for progressive carburettor
2158Rectangular air filter
2158-010Air cleaner oval IDF/DRLA
Limited stock
2158-250Air Cleaner Oval Mesh ‘Classic Style‘ IDF/DRLA 40-48...
2158-255Oil breather fitting 90° for ‘Classic Style‘ IDF...
2158-256Oil breather fitting 45° for ‘Classic Style‘ IDF...
2158-257Oil breather fitting straight for ‘Classic Style‘...
2180-5Air cleaners EMPI Brosol/Solex, Kadron (pair)
5300Okrasa style kit for 25/30 hp with original style linkage
5301Okrasa style kit for 25/30 hp with CSP linkage
9515Mesh air cleaner
2139Electric manifold heater
2146Intake boot for injection
2146-500Boot intake to airflowmeter
Bus 83-07/92 1900 DH GW injection2100 DJ injection
pieces of # in shopping cart.