Do our politicians have that same feeling? If I look at the smug faces of Poetin and Erdogan, I have my doubts. Trump however is a special case. If I look really good at him, I don’t believe that he has ever been young. According to me he has never been a hustler, nor had that energy of a young foal in the meadow….
It’s sad, when you see that such a man, without reflection, can shamelessly ‘penalize’ the world’s economy with his protective measures. Everything he wants, has been tried in the past and had disastrous consequences. From famine (and death) in the thirties till the ‘chicken tax’ on Volkswagen buses in the seventies.
I’m not an economist and even less a visionary, but I do know that the only (economical) power behind the growth of the economy in the world and the involved decrease of poverty, can only be achieved through globalization and cross-border cooperation between countries and economies…. I really don’t see any reason nor excuse that it will be worth to end up again in a cold war or an economic boycott, in which we have to bid against one another. I rather see one open field without economic borders, where work and joy of work can be shared. Where labour will be equally divided upon our shoulders and where we can all travel around, discover and live together in all happiness. That’s what good visionary world leaders should strive after…
Do you also have the feeling that everything goes a bit smoother? Springtime makes you feel as a young foal in the meadow, that’s nice… We have nothing against the young blood….
Don’t blame the others, but try out what you can improve. And that counts not only in politics or economy, but it applies on everything… even in our Volkswagen world. During our latest foreign trade missions, we’ve visited a great number of manufacturers, discussing production processes and pointing to the importance of quality and correct production. I hope I have made a difference for our Volkswagen community. I definitely wish to thank all the Brazilian people I’ve paid a visit to for their hospitality!
You can follow all our adventures of our Brazilian trip on the BBT blog Please do it!
So one thing remains on my to do list: wishing you all a splendid spring season, release the foal in you, frolic and playful in the early heartwarming sunshine. Enjoy the annual returning feeling of youth!
Good luck!