
January 2018


It’s always a nice thing, reviewing the past, while it’s snowing. Outside it’s quiet and peacefully white, even the clock seems be ticking slower. At once people don’t bother that they have to driver much slower, they are just happy, that they still can drive on the slippery roads. You know the gist of the cause, that’s what it‘s all about.

2017 has been quite a turbulent year with many changes within our company, but with much innovation too. There has been quite some employee turnover, as well as some big changes. We were very happy to introduce a lot of new products this year. We believe we’ve done it quite well, there was a small growth and we’re ready to start next year!

2018 announces itself in great state… with high expectations, locally, in Europe and in the rest of the world. Declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel was quite a challenge for Trump. Should this be the start of the ending of world’s oldest conflict (as the Israeli like to call it) then we’ll have to adjust our expectations… we’ll see.

The conjuncture seems good, stock exchange keeps increasing (without a reason?), the unemployment decreases (together with more automation?) and investments increase (disposal of profit figures from the multinationals?). 2018 here we come! A year without challenges, won’t be a good one!

And what about our oldtimers ? It’s funny that it is in everybody’s lips, whereas 30 years ago we were considered to be an outcast. My passion remains, for cars as well as for the job and the brand. I’m ready for the next 30 years, let’s start with the new year!

I wish everybody a nice, pleasant and splashing 2018 with a lot of work, an exploding passion, much joy in your work in an excellent health, with much love and tenderness.


New BBT Production

bbt production

# 1768-250 Valve cover clip 25-30HP / black
# 1768-1 Valve cover clip Type1 engine / Black
# 0136-104 Rear valance - Beetle 08/67-07/74
# 0890-800 Roof - Bus 03/55-07/67
# 0890-830 Roof repair panel rear - Bus 03/55-07/67

Price modifications are indicated on the pricelist itself!

No longer available


# 0006-110 Indicator glass white front bumper Type 1  75-
# 0012-850 Bumper front T25 05/79-08/92 (black)
# 1732 Spring retainers alu (8)
# 0492-136 Filter fuel tap for Porsche 356 03/55-03/66
# 0812-1 Bumperretainer rear right -67
# 0850-1 Heating channel front left
# 0851-1 Heating channel front right
# 0855-2 Floor plate rear right Beetle 08/72-
# 0891-050 Front wing rear part left Type2 68-72
# 1616-050-18 Main bearings .50/3.5 case
# 2950 Overhead storage net for beetle -1964 / Grey
# 6290-047 Sticker L 96 E
# 7570-015 Mounting pin locking tooth central door hinge T2
# 9496-15 Airmighty 15
# 9496-17 Airmighty 17
# 0405 Rubber seal for doorpanel clip Type 1 Use # 0405-001
# 0404-31 Aluminium trim Delux 21 wind.Ri-doors. Use # 0404-30

Price modifications are indicated on the pricelist itself!

Available to special order only

Following items are still available @ BBT but due to low demand they are now available as special order what might be subject to longer delivery terms.

# 0385-080 Center lock for sunroof Type 1
# 0385-905 Complete sunroof assembly with rails Type 1 -55
# 0626-310 Taillight bulb holder (dual) Type 1 -52 / pair
# 0486-283 Sun visor Type 3 smoke (plastic)
# 0499-154 Sign B 1954
# 0499-160 Sign B 1960
# 0573-02 Automatic seat belt blue
# 0892-191 Upper front panel T25 79-92 RHD
# 1799-5 Piston rings 96mm T4
# 2554 Empi 5-spoke polished
# 2906-204 Headliner T1 63 w.sunroof non-perforated/white
# 2906-208 Headliner T1 68-72 w.sunroof non-perforated/white
# 9025-031 Boot cover Type1 70-71 brown canvas
# 9349 Haynes manual VW Porsche
New products

Rear valance

Beetle 08/67-07/74
111 813 301K

YES!!! After three years of development we’re extremely proud that our perfect fit rear valance is ready and has arrived!!! Be aware for fake, believe us we tried all and everything, NOTHING on the market that fits, and nothing on the market comes close to ours… check for the silver weld through primer, it's ours! Main problem with  Brazilian reproductions is the outcut for the tailpipes, it’s simply too low… besides that also the strip for the engine compartment seal is lower and some other details… not with ours! Ours is 100% as OE made and copied from three absolutely NOS rear valences, NO COMPROMISE!!!

Accelerator cable lever kit

Bus 03/55-07/67

Is your accelerator pedal flimsy like most of them are? Time to sort it out properly… we have a full rebuild kit that give you a feeling like an accelerator pedal from heaven when our kit gets correctly installed.. We supply as a complete kit ,so you don’t miss anything… This is really a good kit, which  we use on our own cars all the time….

Engine lid lock W/keys - black

Beetle 08/66-07/71
Bus 08/66-07/67
113 827 503F

Now available also in black : this engine lid lock (with keys!!) will fit your beetle or bus… (see description for correct years)

Rear hatch lock mechanism

Bus 08/71-07/79
211 829 211H

Locks and latches get used a lot on cars, so they break or ware out easily. Mainly from overuse! We added this rear hatch locking mechanism now to our large assortment of locks. This particular one will fit your bus from 1972 model all the way up till the end of the bay window production…

Rear cargo door lock catch

Bus 08/71-07/79
155 829 221, 211 829 221E

Locks worn out a lot and good used replacement parts become scarce, therefore we bring you now the rear cargo lock catch for your 71-79 baywindow bus, readily available from our stocks… it prevents your cargo from falling out down the road!

Door check strap pin cargo door

Bus -07/67
211 809 297

This pin is mandatory if you want to keep the paint of the cargo doors from your split window bus nice, and prevent these doors from dents or damage. Together with the door check strap BBT ref 0438-600 (-60) or 0438-610 (61-67) and the door check strap bracket BBT ref 0438-620 this pin prevents the cargo doors for opening over 90°. But when properly installed this pin can be taken out by hand for opening the door further for “wide loads” or where space not allows …. a super nice combo we have all complete now, make sure to get yours!

Emblem VW front chrome - 95mm (Original)

Bus 05/79-07/87, Iltis
321 853 601

VW logos for the front and rear of your beloved T25/T3/Vanagon VW bus. Of course, all these VW logos are sold under the VW license program, so  they are all been legal with regard to trademark and suchlike.

Door hinge pin 8.0mm (standard) - Stainless Steel

Bus -07/67
211 831 421

Get rid of that play on your door hinges!! BBT delivers the door hing pin for your early bus (split window bus) in stainless steel. Top quality as you’re used to get from BBT at a real decent price. Sold each!

Classic quick shifter, Stainless Steel

Bus 08/67-07/79

Vintage Speed released this classic quick shifter. It's a  perfect shifter for any old speed bus! Lots of details and made with big eye for correctness and functioning. This shifter will shift your pride through modern traffic without any trouble!

Collar inner cargo door handle (polished stainless steel)

Bus 03/50-07/67
211 841 645B

This buffer and spring are indispensable, when restoring your deluxe bus properly. They fit at the  inside behind your cargo door handle and gives a super nice and original finish to your pre 67 deluxe bus

Headlight bulb holder

0613-110131 941 159A

These headlight bulb holders will fit each headlight with regular Duplo headlight bulbs (sorry no Halogen/H4). This is the later model in plastic, but it is perfectly interchangeable with the earlier metal model. 

Key blank SG

Beetle 01/54-07/59
Karmann Ghia 08/55-07/67
111 837 219A S60

Light bulb H5, 12V 60/55W


Poor Hi and Low beams? These H5 headlight bulbs fit right in your regular bulb headlight fitting and is Halogen which gives you exactly the same light strength as a H4! That’s exactly the reason why hey call these H5 bulbs fake halogen bulbs… but in fact they aren’t fake, they’re real Halogen with a fake fitting…:) Bright your nights, BBT show you the lights!

Light bulb dash, with fitting, 12V 1.2W

Bus 04/79-07/92
431 919 040

We all need dash idiotic lights, don’t we? It’s so easy to have your dash illuminated when it's dark… this little bulb holder and bulb are very inexpensive and will help you the whole deal… will fit all T25/T3/Vanagons…

Relais injection engine 11 pin

Beetle 08/75-07/79
Bus 08/75-07/83
071 906 059

Dual relay for your late model US imports with original fuel injection…especially with the Beetle convertible they get bad when the roof isn’t watertight anymore… now available, original Bosch, straight from our stocks! Nothing beats new!

Plug doorstep

Bus 08/70-07/79
211 809 507

You need this plug to cover the hole in your B-post and your doorstep when your Bay window is produced between 1970 and 1979.

Battery retaining clamp

Beetle 08/67-,Type 181
111 701 433

With this clamps you can mount and secure your battery on your 1967 and later beetles in the way they were built and secured in the factory…100 % original specs…. loose batteries can cause a lot of trouble ; fire, or even explosion, you do not have an excuse anymore for a loose battery now that we have the clamp available!

B-post inner panel right (225mm)

Bus -07/67

We missed one part of the B pillar in our line, so now we can supply the complete lower B post from our shelves!


Bus 03/55-07/67
211 817 031A

Complete roof for your splittie bus!!! Made in two parts and properly spot welded together this is THE part if you need a replacement roof. Very well packed in very strong card board box, ready to ship or deliver! We priced it very affordable to sell many!! Now available from our stocks!

Wheel arch front, left
Top Quality

Bus 08/71-07/72
211 809 501C

Dog legs for T2ab, the bay window which has been made between August 71 and July 72… during one year only! This is perfect quality… Now  we have doglegs for all T1 and T2 buses  available!

Centre sidepanel left 30cm

Bus 08/67-07/79

This is the best center side panel for your bay window on the market today! Really well pressed with right corners and correct profiles all around… fits like original and gives a perfect finish! This is exactly like original!!

Sill left

Bus 04/79-07/92
252 809 294

Great product for our T25/T3/Vanagon customer base… This sill has a real good fit and will help to finish your restoration as it should!

Exhaust 'Single Quiet Pack' (Injection)

Type 4

With so many imports from the USA there are a lot of Bay windows with fuel injection that came to the old continent during the  last couple of years… We try to keep up and do work on a program for fuel injection parts, with this exhaust already as a result. Bolt on application to replace original muffler and it is a  way cheaper than an original exhaust as well… the economic solution for the fuel injection driver…

Stud exhaust M8/M9 Type4 engine


Heating tube Insolation set

Bus -07/63

A very good insulation set for your heater tube on your splittie bus, because the steel tube that brings the heat from the engine to the cab is long and literally under the car. VW insulated this tube very well, but with time most of this insulation has disappeared. We found  good heating insulation tubes and bring it back to you. One kit is enough for one car….

Repairkit brakecaliper

Type 3 08/71-
Type 411/412
411 698 471

The Volkswagen type 3 family (Notchback, Fastback, Squareback and Type 34 Karmann Ghia) use a different type of brake caliper from 1971 on. Up to 1971 the brake caliper used is the same as for the VW beetle and Karmann Ghia BBT ref 1248 but in the model year 1971 they introduced a new type of brake caliper that’s real hard to get. Sometimes we’re able to score a couple of NOS ones, but that’s rather far and between… so we teamed up and made this state of the art quality rebuild kit for those brake calipers… most of the existing brake calipers can be rebuilt with our new kit. Happy to have found  a good solution for you!

Bolts for upper ball joint (pair)

Bus 05/79-08/92
N 044 727 3 x 2

Secure and protect the ball joints of your T25/T3/Vanagon Bus like it should! We supply the correct brand new bolts to do so! We sell them by the pair!

Wheel hub front with studs

Bus 08/70-07/79
211 405 579

Brand new hubs for your bay window are now available! Front and rear… Replace your worn out hub with this brand new quality product.

Spindle washer

Bus -07/63, Bus Brazil -12/66
211 405 661

All spindles are slightly different and  they all fit a very specific spindle washer! This washer keeps your bearings in place like it should, and at the same time adjusts the play on your front wheel bearings, (together with the nuts so to speak) so a good spindle washer is mandatory.

Shift rod rear

Bus 08/67-07/71
211 711 171D

This is the indispensable rear part of your shift rod that goes from your shifter to your transmission to select your gears…. worn out and tired, broken or missing, no problem any longer. We got you covered with these brand new ones! Fit all early bay window up July 1971.

Synchronize ring 1st gear (091)

Bus 08/75-09/82 (091)
091 311 247C

Because more and more buses are coming  from the USA;  the bigger 091 transmission (for the bus with Type 4 engines 1975 and up) are driving around on the old continent. Therefore, demand for these transmission parts raised a lot the last couple of years…We’ve now added the synchronize rings for these transmissions in our ever-growing stock assortment… Replace yours when that transmission is open anyway, they’re fairly inexpensive!

Lifters, hydraulic

1634-100  Type 4
022 109 309

High demand made us search high and low to find these quality lifters… More Type 4 engines reach our shores and demand for Type 4 engine parts is on the rise. BBT tries to help our trusty customers by  enlarging the range of Type 4 engine parts.  These OE replacement hydraulic lifters are a nice add-on to our ever-growing type product line! We sell them in a set of 8 pieces.

Flywheel dowel pin set long Ø6
25/30hp (8pc)

1641-500111 105 277X (x8)

Early engines up to 1959 had a lot of different names over the world, most common is the 30DIN Hp engine (what’s translated as a 36 HP SAE in USA).  They use only 6mm dowel pins  to keep the flywheel steady to the crankshaft, later models use 8mm… So we teamed up and brought  back the 6mm dowel pins. We've made them slightly longer as stock, to give more strength and they have no play, are not worn, nor plied, nothing beats new dowel pins! Sold in set of 8 pcs…

Valve cover clip 25-30PK / Black

1768-250111 101 487

Valve cover springs for the early type VW engines 25 and 30 DIN HP (that’s 36 HP SAE for our American friends using SAE norms). We teamed up with a very reliable spring factory in Belgium to make springs in a good quality, (read; equal or better than the NOS items, which we gave them as samples). This clip is made in spring steel! Simply a perfect fit, feel and smell, exactly like we want it! Stop oil leaks by worn or tired original and behave for cheap reproductions that will never give you satisfaction ,because they will always be leaking! As we choose for powder coat finish, the ends might go kind a though in the cylinder head holes at mounting, but once mounted they fit like original and do their job impeccable!

Fan guard

Type 4
021 119 207

Stuff that almost any bus with type 4 engine needs, a brand new plastic mesh fan guard. Almost always broken or missing, it’s pretty important to keep big stuff out of our cooling system! Brand new and good quality available, we have them ready for delivery.

Timing scale

021 119 249 , 021 119 249E

Important and especially practical is the timing scale for your Type 4 engine. Perfect for the ignition timing, perfect for valve adjustment, perfect for many things. The scale is always correct and can only help you. Replace your missing and or broken scale now….

Vacuum elbow 90° intake manifold - Type4

Type 4 1800-2000cc
021 129 637F

Poor idle? Bad cold start? Or just too high consumption? This elbow and T-piece are little naughty bastards that can cause you a lot of problems. With age they dare to crack and will give a real bad behaviour…. we teamed up and can supply these brand new! Should be also a standard replacement at every engine rebuild! Get yours now and save yourself a LOT of trouble….

Linkage with ball bearing for Type 4 engine with Porsche cooling - Vintage Speed


Vintage Speed brought out a ball bearing linkage for dual carburettors… This one is especially for Type 4 engines with Porsche style cooling system. The advantage of the ball bearing system should be less play and smoother operation, so you can dose the pedal on your feet better and  easier! New technologies for old cars make them work sometimes…:)

Wiper switch

Bus 08/74-07/79
211 953 519G

We also added the wiper switch for your late bay window to our program. When our used parts dried up, it was time to find a reproduction. The quality seems OK and is fully functioning, that is why we change a broken part in the first place, right? Get those wipers back to work!

White wall ring (BIG) 16" (4 piece)


Our ever-expanding range of white wall rings enlarged with this ubercool wide white wall… for all of your 16 inch tyre guru’s

Tirevalve diameter 15.2mm

2590-200111 601 361

Old VW wheels might have different sizes for the hole of your valve stems… we have the different sizes available now! Measure before ordering!

Oilpressure contact VDO, 5bar (double)


BBT shop part numbers go into general BBT part numbers, so that everybody can buy them through the total BBT network, fancy for VDO? Order yours now with your local VW dealer! VDO doesn’t need any explanation I guess, we use these gauges already for  35 years in our own cars…

Fuel gauge 6V

Bus 08/55-07/67
271 919 031B

6 volts gas gauge for your bus. Originally stock from 63 to 67 but will fit of course in every dash from 55 to 67 when you're brave enough to drill that hole. Stop running out of gas, a fuel gauge is a luxury item that is easy to use.

Seals for front door window fasteners (pair)

Bus 03/55-07/67
211 837 829 (x2)

You will need these gaskets for your sliding window fastener during restoration or repair of your 55-67 split window bus. Made like original  and they have a perfect fit!

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