

20 janvier 2020 - Inside BBT

We all like to protect what we have don’t we, but especially we would not forgive ourselves if a customer, friend or collegae could have been saved but You didn’t know what to do…. we thought the same, and set up a big exercise to learn how to use fire extinguishers.

Off course everything well controlled and under qualified supervision!

All BBT employees are really enthusiastic and we will continue with part 2 of the course in 2020….

BBT save lives!

Some teaser pictures of what we did…. look pretty impressive don’t they?

19 janvier 2020 - Fun

Did You ever hit the right truck?

This guy did for sure!

18 janvier 2020 - Cars for Sale

A very clean restored 1964 Notchback will arrive at Virgin Outlaws soon…

We give you Sneak Peak here right now!

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