26 juin 2020 - NEW

Summertime! Most European and North American area’s got a big chunk of summer sun last week, what makes people happy (and start to bark about “too much”) but for most of us it was just a relief after all corona measures.

Sun gives light, light gives hope and hope is the engine of the spiritual life….:)

Let’s start thinking about what after Corona, let’s stay positive and imagine Corona goes away. But what would you do differently after Corona than before? What did you learn out of it and will you stop your rat-race?

We, @ BBT,  decided that we only want to go further for what we are doing so long, more quality because life is simply too short to restore cars with inferior parts.

This week we got some very interesting parts new arrivals, which have kept us busy for a while to develop. But we succeeded and here we are…More quality, Corona can be a good lesson…:)

When you ordered your VW split window bus back in the day, you could actually choose where you wanted the cargo doors. Left side or right side. Most common was the opposite side of the steering wheel, because you had the doors on “your” boardwalk side. Oh yes and there was also double door option, cargo doors on both sides that is.

Up to now we only had cargo floors for right hand side cargo doors. Most work shops “adapted ” those for left cargo doors, but almost never with full satisfaction. Today we make the difference. From now on we also have cargo floors for left side cargo doors.

And of course for the left hand cargo door configuration, we now  have  also the right side floor plate for the  closed version as well.
This makes whatever cargo door configuration you have, we always have the correct floor combination for you.

Available from our stocks.

0890-744 Floor plate left, cargodoor – Bus -07/67 (TQ)

0890-754 Floor plate right, non cargodoor – Bus -07/67 (TQ)

We also brought in this tube for the wire loom for your bay window bus. This tube can be originally found  between your front and rear chassis cross member on every Bay window bus built between 1970 and 1979.

Because of moisture, humidity, dust and mud they are simply rusted away.
We bring you this tube in the correct diameter of 27mm with a correct length of 130cm.

0891-695  Guide tube through chassis for wiringloom – Bus 08/69-07/79

Let’s go into detail.
Your deluxe split window bus had a headliner.

Now, we bring you those nasty little rails, that hold your headliner and keep it under tension to keep wrinkles out.
We made both models, the flat and angled ones.

The flat one, you need three lengths to mount a headliner in your cabin. But you can use also use ours to replace the bent out or missing originals.
And of course these give you the possibility to place a headliner in buses that never had one, panel vans, or standard kombi’s and the like…

The angled ones sitting around the airbox in the cabin (you need 2 lengths) and also around the optional sliding roof (you need 6 lengths here).
Another necessary part in the hunt to a perfect restoration which we solved now, up to the next…

2931-200 Headliner grip flat 80cm – Bus 03/55-07/67

2931-205 Headliner grip angled 80cm – Bus 03/55-07/67

Various items have been removed from stock to make room for new ones.
Of some items there is only 1 left in stock.
So be quick, because GONE = GONE Prices excl. VAT

2908-251 Headlining, vinyl, for sliding roof Type 3 TL 66-73

58,50 Euro

2908-201 Headlining, vinyl, Type 3 TL 66-73

90 Euro

We wish you all a very happy weekend. Soak up that sunlight, people just need it.

And never forget, enjoy that Volkswagen…..

24 juin 2020 - Service

We’re working on a quality label for our BBT brake hoses and will give you the sample here of what will appear at every brake hose in every catalog, digital or printed in the future…

BBT Brake hose, commitment to quality, safety and quality test program.

The BBT Brake hose is made in a factory that’s really world class.

One of the only brake hose factories in the world that produces literally everything in house, nothing else, only brake hoses or parts thereof.

Numbers don’t lie, in this case up to two million brake hose connectors (the metal piece on each end of the brake hose) a month and up to 8000 Brake hoses (in 4 production lines) per shift, if necessary they could work in a continuous three shift workday…..

This is serious business from a serious manufacturer with necessary certifications to supply OE (assembly lines of car manufacturers) but also aftermarket.

For the air-cooled Volkswagen market BBT is the exclusive customer.

So what can we assure as quality?

We followed for you the complete test program ourselves and are happy to share this with you here, and on every single brake hose we sell from now on.

Our brake hose production is monitored by 4 different quality tests along the way…

Test 1. Pulling test

Here they really put weight on both end of the brake hose to see how far they can pull it until it snaps.
Automotive standard is stretch up to 158kgs according current SAE norms.
We witnessed they surpassed this numbers big time and the connector blew off only at over 351 kgs, what’s the double of the national standard to us.

Frequency of the pull test is at least once every shift for every production line.

Test 2. Explosion test

When you pull the brake pedal You put pressure on your brake hose through your brake fluid.

The maximum operational pressure You will ever achieve is 80kgs in a car and never ever over 120kgs in trucks.

We witnessed in this test pressure of over 500kgs on the hose for full two minutes, and from there moved up to over 900 kgs, without the brake hose exploded.

The test was stopped here for security reasons… 900kgs of pressure is a LOT!

The frequency of this ‘’explosion’’ test is at least daily. Every single batches of brake hose undergo this test.

Test 3. Volumetric expansion test

The volumetric expansion test validates the brake hose for its expansion using pressure.

That is, the hose cannot expand more than that was established by the SAEJ1401 Standard enabling that the braking system obtains the planned result.

In “normal human language” this test checks if the hose keeps the same flow and don’t bulge or push hose canal wider open under high pressure to ensure the brake fluid flow stays the same in volume in all conditions.

This will give you a steady brake pedal the moment you press with your foot…

If you like to get numbers… The specification for the expansion test is that it is less than 0.68 cm³/m by 6.9Mpa; less than 0.79cm³/m by 10.3Mpa.

This test is carried out weekly. A sample is taken individually from each braiding machine, to ensure that the textile reinforcement is meeting quality standards.

Test 4. The Ozon aging test

This test creates an environment in the machine for the brake hose according to the parameters previously established.
According to SAEJ1401, the amount of ozone in the environment must be 100PPM, humidity of 70%, temperature of 40 ° C over a period of 70 hours.
To pass, after 70 hours of uninterrupted testing, the brake hose cannot have cracks in the rubber.
This test is relatively new in the program and is in operation since beginning of 2020. We do this test because there was some small problems with the outer rubber layer about two years ago. We work continuously on a better product.

The Ozone aging test is performed monthly, to ensure a quality outer rubber layer mainly, but also to test the rubber and textile layers on the inside.

BBT is selling over 10.000 Brake hose every year to all corners of the world. We stock following models.

Other models can be made to measure if You concern certain quantities.

Normal service recommendation for brake hose requires a general check of brake fluid and brake hose condition every service interval. Brake fluid change is generally recommended every 2 years, or at least seriously testing. However, this is a generic recommendation, each brake fluid manufacturer has its own specification within the DOT standards and is informed to the consumer in their respective packaging.

Our brake hoses are fully guaranteed for 3 years, but even if older we would appreciate to get them back for research to make a better product.

This commitment to quality is the least we can warrant our customers for their brake parts.

Buy the BBT brake hose because we care for your quality, we talk brake parts after all!

All further information on Info@BBT4vw.com

23 juin 2020 - Inside BBT

Today we like to share our newly organised shipping department in full glory…

Not completely finished but we’re getting close…

More tables and more stations should provide a faster and more accurate packing and shipping…

All orders we pack and ship going over these tables… history will only tell how many VW parts will pass these tables…:)

This is how shipping dept looks empty… but we like to see them full force, don’t we?


* indicates required













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Entretien, outils & fixations > Entretien


Entretien, outils & fixations > Fixations


Entretien, outils & fixations > Outils


Essieu arrière > Arbre de transmission & composants


Essieu arrière > Boîte de vitesses


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Essieu avant > Equipement du guidon


Essieu avant > Essieu avant & pièces


Essieu avant > Fusées & pièces


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Littérature, vêtements, autocollants & gadgets > Littérature


Littérature, vêtements, autocollants & gadgets > Vêtements


Moteur > Bloc moteur


Moteur > Combustible & admisión


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Moteur > Embrayage


Moteur > Refroidissement


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Panneaux de carrosserie > Arrière & coins


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Panneaux de carrosserie > Capots avant & arrière, hayons


Panneaux de carrosserie > Châssis


Panneaux de carrosserie > Compartiment moteur


Panneaux de carrosserie > Côté


Panneaux de carrosserie > Garde-boues


Panneaux de carrosserie > Longerons


Panneaux de carrosserie > Passage de roue avant


Panneaux de carrosserie > Passages de roue arrière


Panneaux de carrosserie > Pick-up


Panneaux de carrosserie > Piliers


Panneaux de carrosserie > Planchers & panneaux de cloison


Panneaux de carrosserie > Portes, portes de chargement & portes coulissantes


Panneaux de carrosserie > Toit

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