5 mai 2023 - NEW

Inflation loses steam, what is always good, we had enough price rises, right ? This and a better dollar rate mean we can keep things steady for the moment.
The war in Ukraine gets into new episodes, but as the oil went down, it will not escalate more than likely. Oil and steel prices are always good barometers to see the forecast in wars.

Oil price down? So, gas gets cheaper, nothing holds you back anymore to drive that beloved classic Volkswagen more often, take it out and enjoy.
We bring new parts every week to keep them on the road.

Welcome to the BBT News

This week we focus on the oversize door hinge pins for split window bus.

When your cab door hinge has play, you will need to replace the door hinge pins to an oversize, we have these oversize door hinge pins for split window bus now available .

You need a correct size drill to drill the hinge to a correct diameter to accept the oversize pin.
Our door hinge pins for split window bus are made from brushed stainless steel.

Door hinge mirror arm, standard size HERE
New this week is the oversize door hinge mirror arm.

0475-560 Mirror arm 8.5mm, driver – Bus 03/55-07/67 stainless steel
0475-565 Mirror arm 8.5mm, passenger – Bus 03/55-07/67 stainless steel

The lower door hinge pins in standard size for your split window bus HERE

This week we bring also two oversize lower hinge pins.
Lower door hinge pins seem to be more wear sensitive.

0475-505 Door hinge pin 8.5mm – Bus -07/67 stainless steel
0475-510 Door hinge pin 9.0mm – Bus -07/67 stainless steel

In case oversize door hinge pins can’t fix the play because they are worn out too much we have complete cab door hinges HERE

The bolts which hold the cargo door hinges on split window buses always have a cover plug.

The plugs keep the bolt hole clean and give a nice finishing touch.

Up to 05/62 the correct plug is BBT #0716-6
For 06/62 up to 07/67 VW made a specific plug we present you here today.

Very similar to BBT #0716-2 but our new plugs have one flat side by purpose.
This way they get closer to the pillar.

The new plug is also used on all bay window double cab pick up trucks to cover the bolt holes from the rear doors.
You need two plugs per hinge, so 4 per door.

0716-610 Plug side cargo door hinge Bus 06/62-07/67, double cab -07/79 transparent

Many failures on fuel injection systems on air-cooled Volkswagens come because of improper functioning from the dual relay with 11 pins.

Unfortunately, Bosch quits production of this relay.
We could buy the last 40 pcs floating around.

Price has increased but at the end it’s better expensive than not for sale…

0683-000 Relais injectiemotor 11 pin – Kever 08/75-07/79, Bus 08/75-07/83

We found a new source for VDO fuel sending unit.
However, made in India, it is VDO brand.

0494-2 Fuel sending unit, VDO

The BBT News team wishes you a cool, relaxed and beautiful weekend, enjoy your VW’s!

28 avril 2023 - NEW

The Chinese president Xi Jinping called with Ukraine president Zelensky.
Trying to end the war is always a clever idea.

The South Korean president, Yoon Suk-Yeol, visited his US colleague Biden.
They try to show their forces to North Korea.
Nobody knows if that is a clever idea…. or not.

In Soudan, the war between two former best friend generals continues.
That is a bad idea.

President Putin should live more in bunkers than outside they said.
What a poor idea.

The inflation monster is disappearing.
Now that is a perfect idea.

Food price rise is leveling out.
And this is even a better idea.

What a week, and we have more for you.
Welcome to the BBT News.

Out of the remains from Dieter Schmidt Lorenz parts inventory we found this (huge) quantity of all original NOS 123mm long starter bolts.
123mm bolts hold your starter engine on bay window bus from 75-79 and on air-cooled T25/T3/Vanagon up to 1982.
Sport-O-Matic Beetles use this very same starter bolt up to 1970.

The bell housing on automatic 091 transmissions is a little longer what gives the necessity for this slightly longer bolt.
Standard starter bolt for stick shift beetles and buses op 1974 is 110 mm long and available HERE

1593-020 Starter motor bolt M10x123 – Bus 08/75-12/82, Beetle/KG automatic -07/70 NOS

If you want to run a stroker crank to raise the stroke of your engine you might need longer rods.
The length of the connecting rod should be proportional to the stroke of the crankshaft.

A longer rod is necessary to keep the engine running nicely and prevent premature wear.
We  now stock  a more economical forged chromoly alternative from AA Performance in 5.325′ length.

VW rod journal size means quite easy you can use Type 1 rod bearings.
They come in a set of four pieces and include the special torque bolts.

We also stock several different lengths of rods, in H beam original style HERE

1602-155 Rods 5.325 chromoly (Type1 rod bearings) – AA

Chromoly rods use special bolts.
We  carry these bolts HERE in an economical version.

For engines over 120Hp we strongly recommend using our new genuine ARP bolts.
Sold each.

1602-296 Bolt chromoly rods – ARP

Small details do matter!
We changed the design of our wiper axle grommets for late model beetle and bus.

Before we made upper and lower part symmetrical.
Study NOS examples we found differences.

Now we made them with a small inner lip and a conical inside on one side.
Inner lip keeps the water out.

The conical inside pays for an easier installation of your wiper axle.
Now we have them exactly as VW designed them.

Trivial details make us happy so we can bring a better part to our VW world.
Evaluated and approved on the BBT collection.

Our other model’s wiper axle grommets you find HERE

2425 Grommet wipershaft – Beetle/KG 08/69-, Bus 08/67-07/79, Type3

BBT news team wishes you a cool weekend, if you bump into one of us at Mai Käfertreffen in Hannover say hi !

21 avril 2023 - NEW

Lakes in South of France, Italy and other parts of Southern Europe are dry,
Climate change and global heating are really coming closer every day.

We must all think about tomorrow.
We must think about our old cars too.

The ecological footprint of classic cars is minimal.
Due to age and  limited use.

In general a cellphone has more impact on global heating than a classic car.
But we must take care for our classics.

Hence, we try to bring you every week better parts to make our cars better.
Welcome to the BBT News.

We add this week a bunch of gaskets to keep your automatic transmission leak free and without spoiling the soils!
Our first new cork gaskets seal the big black metal oil pan on the underside of automatic gearboxes.

We have both models for all Beetle Sport-O-Matic and for 72-75 bus.
The last one is also the same  for all Type 3 and Type 4 automatics.

These new gaskets have been made from premium Cork exactly like original.
Sold each.

1417-200 Gasket oil pump automatic – Beetle/KG

1417-210 Gasket oil pump automatic – Bus 08/72-07/75, Type3, Type 411/412

The later model Bay window has a rubber gasket that we add at the same time.
This gasket seals the pan mounted with the four bolts.
Easy to recognize.

Also used on other Volkswagens with automatic transmission as Golf Mk1 & two, Scirocco, Porsche 924/944 to name a few.
1417-212 Gasket oil pump automatic – Bus 08/75-07/92

All automatic bus gearboxes have an extra small oil pan under the differential.
VW books tell this oil pan serves a perfect and easy oil change.

We also made these gaskets to have the complete line up.
We strongly recommend changing the gaskets on your automatic gearbox with each oil change to avoid leaking.

This gasket makes our line up for automatic gaskets complete.

1417-215 Gasket oil pump differential automatic – Bus 08/72-07/92

And finally, we add the beetle Sport-O-Matic oil pump gasket.
An engine oil pump for automatic beetle transmission is a double pump.

Where one side pumps engine oil, the other side pumps hydraulic transmission fluid.
The gasket between oil pump and engine case is the same as a regular oil pump HERE

Between the two compartments is an intermediate cover to connect both compartments.
We made this specific gasket that fits before and behind this intermediate cover.

Sold each, two needed per oil pump.

1805-040 Gasket oil pump automatic

We already supply for longer time the oil seals keeping the hydraulic transmission oil separate from your engine oil on Beetle and Ghia Sport-O-Matic transmission set ups.

We now changed the part no., so they sit correctly between other parts for oil pumps.

Sold each, two needed per oil pump.

1805-045 Seal in oil pump of automatic

BBT News team wishes you a splendid weekend, be careful with water, you will only know what it really means to you when there is none anymore, don’t let that happen…


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