

30 juin 2016 - Friends of the house

My friend Lind drove me a Westfalia from Boise Idaho to the OCTO meet in Long Beach California, almost 1000 miles and an incredible scenery… I drove about the same route a day earlier with car and trailer so I do know what i’m taking about!

The Westfalia is bullet freeway approved!… and is waiting at the shippers for shipment to Europe… Thanks to Lind for the pictures!

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29 juin 2016 - Friends of the house

Doesn’t this look like the sixties or seventies? Nice Type 3 squareback with a real Westfalia camping trailer, going on holiday to the Italian lakes? And put up a real BBT tent before the camping trailer… admit the satellite is the give away its today…:(

The tent You can order from your BBT distributor under BBT ref 6510-100

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