Save the date…. 20 june 15.00hrs!
BBT is in full progress of its big Open House on June 20 where all BBT News readers are highly invited. It promises to be something BIG again…Are you coming?
Mr Trump with the Queen this week in the newspaper, almost unbelievable. Another thing he can scratch from his bucket list…but what’s the circus good for? Don’t think it will help Brexit at all… all Englishmen will even more stay now I suppose… future will tell….
We have two new products this week, nothing really exciting, but you might need them one day…
We add the missing link in our bus brake line assortment. This new kit is for all Bay window buses with brake servo and as far as we know now the last missing link to be able to offer you all the brake lines for the bay window buses.
1254-330 Brake line kit – Bus 08/70-07/79 with servo
The next item is the perfect finish for any front blinker on a 63-69 Ghia or a Type 3 carry round front indicators. It’s the seal that sits right under the lens and is the “soft” border between the chrome indicator base and the lens itself. This seal keeps water and damp out of your lens and makes sure the plastic lens doesn’t crack when being torqued to the metal base. It’s the perfect finish for your perfect car.
0759-450 Indicator lens seal, front – KG 63-07/69, Type 3 -07/69 (pair)
2132-710 gasket under manifold Type 25 1600cc TD
2132-720 gasket under manifold Type 25 1700cc D
1859-500 Sump gasket kip Type 25 D
2093 Ignition module for Mexico engine, former BBT #5575
2051-400 12 volt coil Beru T25 WBX with clamp
1238-400 Brake shoes rear (4) Syncro 16 inch Bus 05/85-08/92
That was it for this week, next week we will be back with more… and don’t forget BBT’s Open House June 20 from 3 till 9 pm….