23 février 2024 - Random

Western Europe is soaked.
We can’t remember when it was more wet than today.

Farmers land, wood lands, water everywhere…
However, mild temperatures awake nature early.

The early natural life of the year.
Our Volkswagens seem to wake up as well.

Looking for a new season, new adventures.
Finishing that restoration, hunkering for road trips.

We feel the vibe, do you?
Let us help you with more and better parts  to keep that vibe alive.

Welcome to the BBT News.

Never mentioned in the books but found and questioned by several people on their bus.
It is this mystery ring we bring you today.

Made after an original model.
We assume this ring was ment to eliminate the play or vibrations between lock and body,

Original mounted from the factory, only for a brief time.
Even it has a VW part no. molded in but never mentioned in any year parts book.

But it is here, it is cool, it’s functional and looks good.
This ring goes between our lock BBT # 0429-450 and its seal BBT # 0723-095

If you want perfection, BBT is your partner.

0429-451 Ring tailgate lock – Bus 08/63-07/66

Beetle front hood lock on the front apron has a dustcover.
This dustcover or protection covered your lock from 52 up to 67 model year beetles.

Many times missing, we bring you the perfect solution with this super nice reproduction.

Up to1967 Beetle front hood lock and handles, HERE
1968 onwards Beetle front hood lock and handles, HERE

0424-210 Hood latch cover – Beetle 08/52-07/67

Nobody brings you more correct body parts than BBT.
We decided it was time to bring back the “diamond cut” bumpers.

That is right, split window buses had a change in bumpers for the last three years of production.
After the pressed bumpers Volkswagen came out with larger stronger bumper on the bus in 1959.

Named slash cut after the slash character on your keyboard.
For the 1966 model year Volkswagen changed the end of that bumper to a small point named it diamond cut.

Nobody ever reproduced the diamond cut bumper before, but BBT does now.
Deep draw stamped on one piece cast tooling in our Silver Weld Through factory.

Finished in a decent coat of L82 Silver White correct for most buses.
More diamond cut Splitty bus bumpers from BBT productions in silver white color coming soon.

Slash cut splitty bumper (bare) HERE
US style splitty export bumpers HERE

0012-602 Bumper front – Bus 08/65-07/67 (Euro) Ivory

After the OE stamping plant lowered their quality on these bus floorplates, we had a tough job to turn that around.
We had to convince them to bring them back in 0.9mm thickness, as they used to stamp them for VW originally.

A bunch of email, video, and PM’s later we finally got a go for the production.
Now they feel back to normal, stiff, and strong.

We do appreciate the feedback from our customers/distributors in the quest to bring this quality back to OE levels.
Without that feedback nothing would have changed.

Now for all of us back to enjoy in 0.9mm thickness, exactly like original.
Thank you, guys!

0891-760 Floor plate left – Bus 08/70-07/79
0891-770 Floor plate right, slidingdoor – Bus 08/70-07/79

We finally managed to get our BBT brake drum program up to speed!
Tired of  those Chinese brake drums?

BBT brings the perfect alternative out of our brake drum foundries in Brazil.
Some models already  are back in stock, more models will be coming soon!

1270-001 Disc brake – Beetle/KG 08/66-, Type3 08/65-07/71 BBT

1287-01 Brake drum front – Bus 08/63-07/67 BBT

BBT News team wishes you a dry weekend.

16 février 2024 - NEW

The only way to describe arrivals coming in last couple of weeks.

Inventory build up for the spring.
New arrivals too.

This week was busy as ever.
Some cool new products already here below.

Welcome to the BBT News.

This week we kick off with a nice reproduction from the 181/Trekker/Thing fender.
Many times rusted out; bent or destroyed we’re very happy with these brand new reproductions.

Nicely pressed to OE specs in steel.
We start with left front; right front will be available in May.

The rear ones expected to land somewhere in the fall.
Left front already available from our stocks.

0889-801 Wing front left – Type181

This frame is to cover the cut out on the padded dashboard of your late model beetle.
Standardized dimensions for modern car radios are 50mm/2 inches height to 180mm/7 inches width (single DIN) .

Made from durable ABS plastic to last forever.
Will fit only padded dash cut outs on late model standard beetle & 70-72 1302 Super beetles.HERE

Radio hole block off plates HERE
Repair panel for cut out/messed up radio hole HERE
Radio frame for 72-79 1303 Super beetle HERE
Universal radio mounting console HERE

0525-310 Radioframe padded dashboard – Beetle 08/67- (not 1303)

The BIG NUT is back!
Big nut transmissions are called the type of rear axles on the Volkswagen splitty bus with the larger diameter axles coming out of the reduction boxes.

Original used on German buses from 1963-1967 and Brazilian buses1967-1992.
These buses use the big square 46mm socket castle nut to tighten the rear brake drum.

Long time unavailable we bring back that original shape of the “BIG NUT”.
Forged the old-fashioned way like it should make for a perfect quality.

Originally splitty bus castle nuts did not have the molded in washers for later models..
This is the nut we drive on our BBT buses.

Entire family castle nuts for Bug & Bus HERE
Correct six groove castle nuts for bay window buses are in the works.

1448-100 Castle nut rear axle (forged) – Bus 08/63-07/67

Small parts are so necessary for a complete good functioning classic Volkswagen.

We spend a lot of time for correct product design.
We now bring you  our new production of the dowel pin for the emergency brake handle.

This pin lets swivel your E-brake handle in its bracket.
We made the grooves 2mm wide for a perfect fit on Splitty and Bay window buses.

Will fit all VW bus emergency brake handles from end of 1953 all the way till July of 1979.
Because of quantities produced we  offer with very cool quantity discounts, check us out!

BBT emergency brake handle kits HERE
Bay window emergency brake handle kit exploded view HERE

0523-007 Dowel pin for emergency brake handle – Bus 12/53-07/79

With all the deliveries last weeks also some longer time backorders  come back available.

Did you know BBT fuel pump tebuild kits come with tempered metal parts?
1685-10 Rebuild set fuel pump 25/30hp – BBT

1456-001 Rubber rear sway bar support – Beetle/KG 08/66-

Exploded view for rear sway bar HERE

1302-500 Shock absorber front – Bus 04/79-07/92 (no Synchro)

0289-06 Accelerator pedal rod boot – Bus 50-07/79

7569-505 License light assembly – Bus 08/71-07/79 – VW Brazilian model

The BBT News team wishes you a splendid weekend.

9 février 2024 - NEW

What is left of our New Years promises?
We are already a month in the New Year, times flies!

Time for a small look back and evaluation, right?
Our promise to bring you back our steel BBT GT Sprint Star Wheels and Westy tents both are in full progress and on schedule.

Our better infill promise was backed up with better numbers in Januarys end of month balance.
Other projects coming to cruising-speed as well.

The cool down of the world economy give us a better position against suppliers and factories for negotiations about quality, lead times and prices.

We keep on working on Bigger, Better, sTronger.
What was on our New Years card, is exactly what we are doing.

Making every day VW life an enjoyable life.
We keep our promises and happily renew them for you every week again.

Welcome to the BBT News.

This week we give attention on the type 4 engines.
With many buses coming back from the US in the  last 10 years demand for these parts raised seriously.

Late model Type 4 engines came with M10 mm valve adjusting screws.
We are happy to present you the correct nuts for these applications.

T25/T3/Vanagon use both M9 HERE and M10 nuts.
Easy is to check if you have M9 or M10 adjusting screws and order needed nuts accordingly.

1784-220 Nut valve adjusting screw M10 – Type4, WBX

Gaskets are stupid and worthless, until you need one and do not have it.
We add the lower gaskets for the oil filler pipe on your Type 4 engine.

This gasket is specific as the hole is not in the enter.
Some more Type 4 oil filler related parts HERE

1848-408 Gasket under Oil filler tube – Type4

We release our VW oval beetle T shirt.
In 2024 our SWT team will work hard on the Beetle oval panel development.

We thought this deserves specific apparel.
Besides our white Beetle Tee’s our Black Barndoor T-Shirts are available HERE

9920-100 T-shirt Oval white (Small)
9920-110 T-shirt Oval white (Medium)
9920-120 T-shirt Oval white (Large)
9920-130 T-shirt Oval white (X-Large)
9920-140 T-shirt Oval white  (XX-Large)
9920-150 T-shirt Oval white (XXX-Large)

Lowering prices was one of our promises for the New Year.
Finding better quality parts is our ongoing quest forever.

Lowering prices dramatically together with a better quality give us full satisfaction.
We have been able to score better deluxe trim for your split window bus rockers.

Resulting in an extensive lowering in price, with a nice quantity discount on top.
Sold per pair and comes standard with red beading included,

Change the beading to any color you want available HERE

0404-34 Rocker trims (with red insert) – Bus -07/67 (pair)

The BBT News Team wishesyou a very cool weekend.
Relax to the max, and keep that promise.


* indicates required













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