27 octobre 2023 - NEW

This week we like to present you what is new in BBT just like any other week.
Every Friday we give you insight in our new products, product updates and some backorders.

Welcome to  the BBT News

Let us cover up that hack in your dash.
Many beetles suffer from a hacked dashboard for a DIN size radio installation.

A big fat radio in your dash is not that nice look in a vintage car so many want to bring the hole back to original size.
The original radio hole in a beetle dashboard with its pressed lip and four tabs is not that easy to reconstruct.

BBT now brings the solution  with this brand dashboard repair panel.
A 21 x 10cm plate stamped and finished with the correct original radio hole.

Exactly like original.
Now you can weld this repair plate nicely into your dashboard for that smooth look, or to install that cool period vintage radio.

Your dashboard is what you see the most driving your car.
Enjoy ocular peace of mind from your original looking dashboard again.

All other BBT radio related accessories, antennas, and block off plates you find HERE

0525-215 Radio hole repair panel in dashboard – Beetle/KG 08/57- (not 1303 SB), Bus 08/66-07/79

Early model Volkswagens used double spindle nuts with locking washers in between with a pressure washer to the outer wheel bearing.
Now we introduce the self-locking washer for early beetle like the later model style.

Forged nuts ensure the high quality needed.
Stamped in pressure washer eliminates the separate retaining washer.

All in one self-locking nuts keep you away from the puzzle of double nuts, locking and retaining washers.

So much easier to install as original set up.
Self-locking spindle nuts are stamped D & E where E is for the Left side and D for the Right side.

The entire BBT family of spindle nuts and locking washers HERE

1361-500 Spindle nut self-locking (pair)- Beetle/KG -07/65

Deluxe buses should have chrome wipers.
A small but, oh so nice detail.

Give your bus that shiny deluxe effect with our brand-new stainless blades and arms.
The wiper leg is 5.5mm wide than the stronger late model buses.

As the size of the wiper shaft hole is the same these will fit ALL year split window bus.
The sliding hole in the wiper matches perfectly to the width of the shaft.

Silver wiper arm & blade kits HERE
Silver wiper blade for 64-67 bus HERE
BBT’s safari window wiper shaft adapters you find HERE

2409-150 Wiper blades polished stainless steel (1pc) – Bus 08/64-08/67

2440-150 Wiperarm polished stainless steel (1pc) – Bus 07/67

BBT’s popular interior rear view mirrors are back!
…and many more!

0567-090 Rear view mirror – Beetle 08/68-

0567-800 Rear view mirror – Bus 08/68-07/79

1396-340 Bushing inner front axle (HDPE) – Bus 08/67-07/79

1396-760 Bushing inner front axle (HDPE) – Beetle/KG 08/65-

1492-200 Transmission nose cone – Bus 07/59-07/67

2475-150 Wiper motor 12V – Beetle Mexico 10/92-

BBT News team wishes you a very nice and relaxing weekend.
Are you thinking about that winter project yet?

20 octobre 2023 - NEW

World tensions keep the exchange markets under pressure.
Why the wars, why these tensions?

Too many people are suffering.
No people should suffer.

Let us hope tensions will end in definitive solutions.
Let us hope these conflicts bring these solutions fast.

As every week we bring better solutions for your Classic Volkswagen.
Welcome to the BBT News.

Brazilian Bay window buses have other steering components than European buses.
This week we add the center drag links for the Brazilian Bay window buses.

A center drag link is the tie rod that connects your steering box to the steering idler in center of your front axle.
Worn out drag links can cause nasty play on your steering system.

We introduce two models to choose from easy recognizable by length.

1338-150 Center draglink – 628mm long – Bus Brazil 76-82
1338-155 Center draglink – 600mm long – Bus Brazil 82-96

Center draglink for German 55-67 Bus HERE
Center draglink for German 68-79 Bus HERE

For T25/T3/Vanagon we introduce this week the gear linkage bushing.
Prevent yourself from mis-shifting and make that shifter works smooth again.

Up to April 1987 you need two, one for the front and one for the rear.

May 1987 on you need  only one for the front.
May 1987 on rear gear linkage bushing HERE

1409-550 Gear linkage bush front/rear – Bus 08/82-07/92, -04/87 rear

Under the rear seat of your beetle, Ghia or 181/Thing/Trekker is a hole that gives access to your shift rod coupler.
We now bring you  the cover plate for this hole, brand new.

Two models to choose from before and from August 1955.
Check if you have one or two holes for the little mounting screws when not sure.

0869-100 Tunnel inspection cover rear – Beetle/KG -07/65
0869-105 Tunnel inspection cover rear – Beetle/KG 08/65-, Type181

More cover plates to show.

To dismantle your shift rod of your Beetle and Ghia Volkswagen made holes in your spare wheel well and front panel.
Both holes should need to be closed with correct pressed cover plates.

The cover for the hole in the front apron is longer available HERE
New today is the cover for the center hole in the spare wheel well.

Rightly available from our shelves.

0883-100 Inspection cover gear rod in sparewheel well – Beetle, KG (Not 1302/03 SB)

0426-005 Door handle – Beetle 08/59-07/65 with keys – TQ

0524-510 Locking knob for cargo door lock mechanism – Bus 03/55-07/67 – silverbeige

0538-2 Rubber floormat – Beetle 12/1300 08/72-, 1302/03 08/72-

0538-62 Mats seat stand walkthrough (with bulkhead behind seat) – Bus 08/67-07/75 (black)

0636-110 Interior light switch (black) – Bus 03/55-07/67, Rear window heating KG -07/71

BBT News team wishes you a respectful weekend, never forget to enjoy that Volkswagen out there!

13 octobre 2023 - NEW

New attacks on Israël dominated the news last week.
More missiles will bring no solution, in any direction.

Wars don’t get winners in 2023 anymore, only losers.
Human tragedy is enormous, humanity should be ashamed.

Do we really gonna need AI to respect each other?
Every day we should be happier with what we have.

Enjoy life as nothing is for granted.
To enjoy VW life, we try to help with new and better parts every week.

Welcome to the BBT News.

Color code is everything!
Although not really original we introduce the cargo door straps in most common colors to match the color of your splittie bus.

Cargo door straps prevent your cargo doors from opening too far!
Every bus came from the factory with cargo door straps installed.

Today we release the color coded 175mm door strap for high hinge cargo doors up to 1960 and all Brazilian splittie and clipper buses.
The shorter ones for low hinge cargo doors will follow soon.

Black cargo door strap with mounting bracket for high hinge cargo doors HERE
Black cargo door strap with mounting bracket for low hinge cargo doors HERE
The bracket by itself for cargo door strap (high or low hinge) HERE

0438-605 Door check strap cargo door black – Bus -12/60
0438-606 Door check strap cargo door grey – Bus -12/60
0438-607 Door check strap cargo door white – Bus -12/60
0438-608 Door check strap cargo door beige – Bus -12/60
0438-609 Door check strap cargo door blue – Bus -12/60

The cargo door strap comes with a bolted bracket to the door (HERE) but has a welded bracket at the B and C pillar, which holds the cargo door strap with a pin (HERE)

This bracket for B & C pillar is new and readily available now from our shelves!

0438-635 Bracket for check strap pin, cargo door – Bus -07/67

Beetles from October 1952 up to the 1959 model year have a steel wire cover to protect the wiring from the indicator switch to the dashboard. This wire protector runs down the steering column.

Mostly missing and the finishing touch for ANY restoration.
This wire cover was always painted in the same color as the steering column itself.

0666-110 Cover indicator switch wiring – Beetle/KG 10/52-07/59

Glove box doors up to 1967 have a nasty small round button that is not always so easy to open. But now these days are over!
BBT offers you a glove box door pull tab for smooth and easy operation.

Installed just in minutes.
Turn the nut in the back loose, take the push button lock out and place the little BBT tab between push button lock and the glove box door.

Our flat spot in the round hole prevents our little tab from spinning.
A perfect add  for just any early beetle.

BBT’s small round push button glove box door lock HERE
BBT also supplies the casted early glove box door lock with key HERE
As an alternative we can offer also the EMPI style door lock pull HERE

0515-095 Glove box door pull tab – Beetle 10/52-07/67, KG -07/67

Our new run of fenders arrived, order yours now!

0104-060 Fender front left 11/52-07/59 with horn grill SWT
0105-060 Fender front right 11/52-07/59 with horn grill SWT

0214-000 Runningboard mats black (pair)

0333 Rear window seal ‘Deluxe’ – Beetle Mexico 01/78- (plastic trim)

0440 Front hood emblem – Beetle 09/62-, Type3 09/62-07/68, Type181 -07/72, Type4 -07/68, Type147 – 84.50mm (original)

The BBT News team wishes you a wonderful weekend, please keep the peace!


* indicates required













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