We like to thank all our friends for the beautiful 2011 and wants to wish all our friends a big “SPLASH” into 2012, may all your VW dreams come through.
These two cuties been delivered to their new owners during this last week this year… one to France and one stays in Belgium. Now, aren’t they both nice?
For 2012 we plan even more on quality and clean cars… a lot of leads are in works already… so stay tuned… your dream comes true before You know it! At BBT we try to be your solid and reliable partner is serious VW collecting, that is!
One of our Italian customers sended the stone bottle below as a present for our Christmas… offcourse our Italian is not that good, but from what he understand he found it at the remains of an old ancient Roman building… yeah probably my grand grand grand ans way further grandfathers where bussy as BBT already, making chariots for arena fights and the like… well I know they must have been real good! LOL…
We like to thank big time for this beautiful gift!