last couple of weeks we had lots of containers coming in, Goods in is more busy as ever… wintertime slow time? Not for BBT… we seriously hope that the back orders we had build up during hectic summer are slowly fading away now…
Wintertime we use to build up stock, also next year we will be your nr 1 supplier…..
Let us take You along, this day of the week again, to learn about new BBT products and program. We have for sure some thing new this week, as every week. We, @ BBT, do love Volkswagen’s just like yourself, and therefore can’t help finding new stuff every week!
BBT # 0636-275 Knob for hazard switch (fits non-padded dash only)
BBT # 0624-005 Taillight assembly with black base, all Bugs build after 74- (Euro model)
BBT # 0737-009 Rubber stops rear seat, all Bugs build before -12/58 (pair)
This is where this rubber stop should be on all of your early beetles…
In continuous efforts to improve the visibility and way to order our products we are working hard on several exploded views for T25/T3 Vanagon parts. This in effort to make your parts selection the most easy as possible. This week we present you the T25/T3 Vanagon front suspension. Click on it, get directed to our online catalog and see how easy this can work to get the BBT reference for a certain product you might need to get that “Square one” back on the road!
We like to highlight this new feature thanks to all efforts of your BBT catalog team.
Red is the color of the “Click and See” dots, red is the color of passion, let us share our VW passion with you!
All reactions and/or comments, questions or all order information on