Some more pictures I couldn’t withhold from the show at the art center. The art center is a college (like university) for car design, many of very high qualified and talented car designers found here their roots!
Once a year they do like an open house with a car show along and try to raise some funds… I was happy to be around this year so decided to pay it a visit, left Drag Day on time, this show was running till about 4 a clock…
Some pictures of various cars around…
The GM tour bus from the fifties, used by GM to present the future to the general public, how wild is that?
yes, this is a real 917… btw everything is real here!
Batmann cars where the team this year, it’s all about design…
Hot rods reflects a perfected style of simplicity…
This beauty deserves a second picture!
A camera car to film chasing scenes, it has to be quick and reliable, so let’s go for a Porsche Panamera! Only in USA!
Inside the school man could explore the work classes, how they teach students and how they learn to design. There was even guided tours!
or what about a couple of cars from Hotwheels, but in real?
Yes, in every show, fancy or not there has to be a split window beetle!, That’s period!
I like wings, not necessarily only at Hooters…:)
Back outside this beautiful Ghia, but not a Karmann…:)
Many people ask me about my dream cars… well here’s the reply, Teardrops… this Talbot Lago just make me breathless! or as they say in English… “A stunning beauty!”
although a nice streamlined convertible would fit in my garage as well!
American Iron, when style was still the most important issue about a car…
Enough for today, I have to think about your blood pressure! More tomorrow about the hearse show!
Yesterday (Sunday) I did no less as Three totally different car shows, (and checked out two more cars in between) . too many pictures, so I will divide Drag Day today and the the Art center show for car design and the Hearse! Show tomorrow and the day after…
So first ride along to Drag Day, in Irwindale, same place I visited BUG IN in April…
Line up was cool, but absolutely smaller and shorter as Bug in… it’s 7 am….
Not real light yet, but Swap meet was busy…
This 67 vert was considered, but not bought…
We do love single wheel trailers…
Welcome to California home of Flashy beetle’s!
Low Light Ghia convertible with flared fenders…
Or bone stock, choice is yours!
Poison green, fits naturally well to a Thing as they call them overhere!
Almost Halloween, the whole California is upside down about it!
The mandatory patina car pic…. hmmmmmm…:)
Convertible Top Chop, not for the faint at hearted!
a really new old Bay…:)
And just another nice Ghia, I can show thousand pictures more, cars where real nice!
IAP Tom flanks his immaculate 67 vert! Congrats Tom, That is a nice car!
Racing!!! Kids Drag series is a Big Thing over here!
Hot VW’s Dean Kirsten in full action!
Beautiful Fastback 4 the track…
Randy Carlson from say Hi to all BBT Blog readers!
Staging lanes for racing where packed!
BBT friends of the house TOA from Japan, came out to race his Notchback…
Not Mild, but wild off road bus!
Couldn’t resist to this early vert…. yammie! Yes I DO love fenderskirts on certain cars!
Kimball Ritch… not to mess up with Rich Kimbal…:)
I left around 11.00am, to drive to the next show, you will see tomorrow!
Beautiful California… heavy schedules…:) Too many things to do….
Saturday I attended a packed OCTO meet, hereby a little review! OCTO is a VW show strictly for VW split window buses, and its crowded!
5.00 am, even at 7-Eleven its still quiet, but hey they’re open, always, 24 hrs, and their coffee ain’t that bad!
Very busy line up, gates open at 6.00am!
Beautiful Palm Green sand green, yammie! What a start for the day!
More nice buses, all on their own!
How about this real eighties monster???? This one is for You Pascal!
First paint Deluxe (or Samba as we call them in Europe) the real way to go now!
Now that’s what we call a Long Board hanging on a Roofrack!
Always good to see BBT Sprints @ the swap!
Panelvan with skylights and ragtop… gives a top chop kind a effect…
oh yes, we do like Westfalia’s!
Small kids there own bus! cool huh? And long time BBT buddy Shawn from vintage parts fame on the back ground!
Patina baby, oh yeah, its Sunday after all!
Less is more, just bone stock, sometimes is just the best!
The gang of Eddy and Dave’s garage for this edition… including yours truly!
Crazy Barndoor panel in the back ground of a Ubercool vintage bike….
Turkisch westy, now how cool is that?
Shin, from Let’s Play VW Magazine always at work!
Cool deluxe, watch out it can eat You!
The lunch right after the show was hosted by Eddy from Eddy and Dave’s garage, in Orange California, Eddy is a real close friend of BBT and especially me in particular…. as part of his crew I was invited… best Mexican food in California I ever had, thanks Eddy!
and here Eddy goes in his immaculate Blue Highroof!
The after party @ Charlie Hammill always draw a crowd on its own! Charlie open his doors from his crazy bus collection… he was one of the guys I visited at my very first trip to California, a mere 25 years ago! So yes we go back quite a while!
Ok Bob, go to bed now, tomorrow (Sunday) there is no less as three car shows on the agenda’s! Only in California dude! Stay tuned, i keep writing!