3 mars 2023 - NEW

Let’s treat you with another BBT News today, it’s Friday after all.

After a lot of research and even more development we finished the transmission mount for the nose of your bay window transmission 1972 on.

For 72-79 buses there are two different mounts.
In our research we found out that 002 transmissions have a different nose mount than 091 transmissions.

The forks from the transmission nose mount for 002 transmissions are slightly longer.
If you use a 091 nose mount on a 002 transmission the forks do not completely fill up the bracket on the chassis.

This is quite easy to explain as the 091 transmission is slightly longer than its 002 predecessor.
091 and 002 transmissions are easy recognizable by the VW numbers on the transmission starts with either 002 or 091.

Weird thing is that Volkswagen uses the same part number for both, just superseded 002 transmission nose mount with the 091 one.
We bring back both models, with a different BBT number.

002 transmission nose mount is now ready and presented on picture below.
091 Transmission nose mount is in production as we speak and will become soon available.

Mounting brackets to mount these 72-79 transmission nose mounts are the same for both models HERE
Proudly BBT production on private tooling.

1489-765 Transmission mount on transmission nose (002) – Bus 08/71-07/79 BBT

Nose transmission mounts for 68-71Bay windows you find HERE

1972-1979 Bay window buses use specific nuts to adjust their emergency brake cables.
These specific nuts are square and bent fit for a13mm wrench.

The bent side is made to secure and stay in place, easy and effective.
No lock nut needed.

BBT brings back this original style bent nut produced on our private tooling.
Sold by the pair.

BBT carries many parts for bay window emergency brakes which you can find HERE

0929-210 Nuts for handbrake cable – Bus 08/71-07/79 (pair) BBT

We also finished this shift rod boot for T25/T3/Vanagon.
T25/T3/Vanagon uses two different shift rod boot, early and late.

79-82 T25/T3/Vanagon used to have a smaller diameter shift rod use a boot with a smaller diameter center hole.
Obsolete for years BBT decided to bring those back.

Early T25/T3/Vanagon have the right on their own correct parts too!
Sold each, proudly BBT producion on private tooling.

We upgraded later model shift rod boot as well what can be found here below.

1409-609 Boot for shift rod gearbox (091) – Bus 05/79-07/82 BBT

As above we also updated the production 83-92 shift rod boot for your T25/T3/Vanagon.
Because of new private tooling we could increase the quality and drop the prices significantly.
Also check our quantity pricing.

1409-610 Boot for shift rod gearbox – Bus 08/82-07/92 BBT

Many more items came back availble in last couple of weeks, we highlight some strong sellers for you, don’t miss out!

8061 Plate for chassis bolt

0362-5 Window sash – Bus 08/67-07/79

BBT News team wishes you a splendid weekend!

24 février 2023 - NEW

Exactly one year ago Russia started the war with Ukraine.
What the Russian President Putin and many thought that the Western world was totally spoiled and at the end of its raison d’etre proved completely wrong.

The Western world showed a lot of unity and act together like one big block.
Our Western aim and force are still to defend our system of democracy and culture of freedom, rightly so.

Or as a friend of Da Houze stated yesterday, we can see the speech of President Putin, but Russians can’t see the speech of President Biden or NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg.
Our freedom gives us power for doing nice things, like collecting classic cars and so much more.

To help and support that hobby we, @ BBT, try to help with good and usable parts to keep your classic Volkswagen on the road or make your restoration a more easy one.
Every week we present what’s new and updated, welcome to our BBT News.

We start with simple necessary things that the brake system of your split window bus really needs.
These brand new clamp brackets  support your brake hose on your front spindles.

It prevents your brake hose from rubbing during steering in order not to damage and keep your brake system safe.
Many times missing, bend, damaged, or rusted, we now offer  the perfect brand new replacement.

Originally mounted behind your grease nipples.
Proudly produced by BBT after absolute NOS samples.

The rear brake line clamp and guide kit you can find HERE

1269-210 Brake hose clamp left (front axle) – Bus -07/67
1269-215 Brake hose clamp right (front axle) – Bus -07/67

We also finished our brand new suspension stop supports for the rear suspension of your beloved Beetle and Type 3.
These suspension supports mount on the swing axle rear spring plates and hold the rubber suspension stop.

Our brand new suspension stop holders will fit all Swing axle beetles and Ghia’s 1959 on and all Type 3 with swing axle suspension.
These suspension support holders are brand new BBT production after absolute NOS samples.

The suspension stop rubbers made by BBT are the exact 75mm length and can be found HERE

1457-050 Support suspension stop rear left – Beetle 08/59-, Type3 BBT
1457-060 Support suspension stop rear right – Beetle 08/59-, Type3 BBT

We also finished our fuel line bracket.
This little bracket holds and guides your fuel line on the left side of your fan shroud in your engine compartment.

Originally you cut open a short length of fuel line, ply over your steel fuel line and push in this bracket holder.
The little piece of rubber fuel line will protect the steel fuel line from rubbing and damage.

For first generation 34 DIN HP engines (40HP SAE for our American friends) we have the steel fuel line from fuel pump to chassis HERE
For later engines the fuel line is in development and we hope to release soon.

0979-520 Clamp fuel line on fan shroud – Type1 (not 25/30hp) BBT

We changed manufacturer and supplier for our early spring plates as our initial production proved to be incorrect.
A mule keeps going so we started a second production with an other manufacturer with much better result.

The spring plates from our new production  fit perfectly and the surface protection is much better.

We’re proud we now offer  the perfect solution spring plate replacement for your 52-59 Beetle and Ghia.

BBT produces since longer time the correct spring plate covers for 52-59 beetles and Ghias HERE
Spring plates for 1960 and later model beetles and Ghia’s with swing axle rear suspension can be found HERE

1437-105 Spring plate rear, left/right – Beetle 10/52-07/59

Many parts came back in stock last couple of weeks, let highlight some for you….

1457 Bumpstop rear axle (75mm) – Beetle/KG 08/59-, Type3

Besides German made HJS HERE we also have  our own production of exhaust gasket and bracket set.

1001 Exhaust gasket & bracket – BBT

1314-100 Tower rubber stop on shock absorber – Super Beetle -07/73 (1)

 The BBT news team wishes you a relaxed weekend.

17 février 2023 - NEW

A small tsunami of arrivals this week.
Many long time backorders, more new products and a lot of inventory.

It was hands on this week in our Goods In dept.
Danny and his team worked through it and we have a lot of goods ready for delivery.

Exciting, like everything in BBT is exciting for the last 35 years.
That’s right last week we celebrated our 35th anniversary.

February 06, 1988, Bob opened up his first little shop in the shed in his parents garden.
Every day since we feel the excitement, excitement we’re been able to deliver the parts you need for your beloved Volkswagen.

Our dedication is larger than ever, and we’re here to stay, hence more arrivals, more new products and more inventory, to serve you better.
Welcome to our weekly BBT NEWS.

After close to 4 years development we present our inner front panel for late bay window.
Freshly from brand new cast tooling in our well-known Silver Weld Through brand.

We started from an absolute brand-new NOS example to cast our tooling.
To help you orientating, this is the panel holding the window washer tank behind the kick panels in the cabin of your 72-79 bay window bus.

This is an absolute exclusive BBT/Silver Weld Through production from our own private tooling.
The lower inner front panel for early bay window, longer time available already,  HERE

0891-976 Inner frontpanel – Bus 08/72-07/79 SWT

After we supplied the front bumper for your early bay window in white, we now stock  the same high quality bumper in Chrome.
This perfect reproduction bumpers are stamped on serious cast tooling especially for BBT.

0012-711 Bumper front center piece – Bus 08/67-07/72 (Chrome)
0012-716 Bumper front left part – Bus 08/67-07/72 (Chrome)
0012-721 Bumper front right part – Bus 08/67-07/72 (Chrome)

All BBT bumpers for your early bay window HERE

We completed our pop out hardware kit to suit all Beetle pop outs.
Some extra screws made this BBT kit serve for early and late model pop outs all alike.

The BBT pop out hardware kit exists out of 18 screws enough for both of your pop out windows.

0346-1 Mountingkit popout – Beetle

All our seals and hardware to fix or restore your pop outs HERE

As said in our introduction, many arrivals this week.

Our BBT made oil pump covers are back in stock.
Cup grinded as it should to a very high quality.

Sold out last time because of its perfect price and quality.

1805-01 Oil pump cover – Type1

BBT makes the complete family of grease caps for your spindles for every type of air cooled Volkswagen.
Don’t get fooled by inferior reproduction, ours are exactly like original.

Perfect fit, perfect look, your VW doesn’t deserve anything but the best!
The entire BBT grease cap family you can find HERE

1363-510 Greasecap spindle right – Beetle/KG -07/65 BBT

0890-347 Side panel short left – Bus 03/55-07/62 SWT

The BBT News team wishes you a splendid weekend!


* indicates required













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