

16 novembre 2010 - Magazines

VW lifestyle magazine Airmighty nr 3 is just around the corner of its release, being from the very beginning involved as adviser and advertiser BBT is a perfect place to pre order and don’t miss out!

Pre orders taking now!

10 novembre 2010 - Meetings

De VW community around “De Garaasj” organised a guided BBT company tour last Saturday. about 150 of their trusted members and admirers found their way to BBT HQ to learn what’s behind the screens of our company.

Same time we like to say a part of the club couldn’t make it because of a funeral of one of their members and always around helping forces. We like to wish Bart, his family and all members of VW classics club Lier hereby our sincere condolences and wish them all strenght they need to cover this sad moment of dark shadow in life… we make it up for all of You guys next time, promised!

The visit itselves started on a cloudy sad overcasted Saturday morning around 10.00am, still despite bad weatherconditions (and forecasts) many VW’s showed up! This shows for sure the Die Hard VW feelings around this VW network of friends!

we received all visitors in the building next door, currently our spare warehouse,  for a briefing and a short introduction with some flaws of  BBT history…

from there we devided in smaller groups for a full warehouse and operations tour… several questions asked by visitors we believe this was very educational for many…

after this there was a (non guided) visit to the BBT collection, it’s always fun to see people wondering around and enjoying our cars!

and it all ended with a little drink before saying goodbye… we like to thank Stefan a lot to give us the opportunity to learn people from “The Garaasj”  more about our company!

If your club, network or community would like to have a BBT visit as well just contact me on so we can see what we can do for You!


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