

28 septembre 2009 - Random

Two Ghia convertible to choose from, one 1965 superdry, super solid northern California project car. Fairly complete and nice and straight, easy resto project, hardly no metal work… the other one is a 1971 ready to rock and roll extremly beautifull and good looking, all ready fixed and done, my wife drove this one 150km home!

Both cars are now available at the BBT Headquarters in Brecht Belgium and will appear with full picture shoot on our website any time soon… more info at 0097 Karmanns

28 septembre 2009 - Inside BBT

Very extremly bad news reached us today….. our brand new (and expansive) toolings to make the our BBT GT Sprintstar wheel didn’t make the end of production and simply broke… engeneers are working now full force at a new and stronger tooling but production will be delayed at least one month… a lot of stress, but we bring this to the right end… follow the BBT blog for more and better updates…

here a picture of  the broken tooling

0096 Broken mold


and this will be our beloved wheel, so now it might be a little later then forseen…

0059 Centercap Sprintstar 1


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