

23 août 2009 - Cars for Sale

One of my all time favorites… “the Moosbus”, a bus abandoned in Sweden in the eighties, on a junkyard since, and rescued by the BBT professional rescue team… we sold the Moosbus about a year ago, to a good friend of extreme long time BBT customer Francis Quariat…

0072 moosbus 1

Well… the same bus, one year later! Congratulations Olivier, You did a hell of a job, but at least to a bus that was more then worth it!

0072 moosbus 2

Fancy for a bus? project or driver? BBT stocks more busses then anybody, worldwide! never buy a bus without seeing our website first!

22 août 2009 - Random

Is this our new shopping bike? Are we completely nuts? Well heu, maybe yes, but nevertheless no, its not ours, we transported this crazy bike for a customer of us out of the UK and I thought I had to share it with all of You, maybe it’s a common type of Honda that i never saw by coincidence but I still wonder if they sold one of these pure out of the ethic point of view….:)


0069 gekke Honda

21 août 2009 - Publicity

The limo’s big brother for all of you…. from a big pile of stupid pvc to a majestic bounce castle, everywhere we take it, kids love us… BBT’s kindergarden? You bet! We take care for our future customers…. BBT, we’re a company with a long term vision!

0066 Flotable one

0066 Flotable two

0066 Flotable three


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