30 juni 2016 - Friends of the house

My friend Lind drove me a Westfalia from Boise Idaho to the OCTO meet in Long Beach California, almost 1000 miles and an incredible scenery… I drove about the same route a day earlier with car and trailer so I do know what i’m taking about!

The Westfalia is bullet freeway approved!… and is waiting at the shippers for shipment to Europe… Thanks to Lind for the pictures!

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29 juni 2016 - Friends of the house

Doesn’t this look like the sixties or seventies? Nice Type 3 squareback with a real Westfalia camping trailer, going on holiday to the Italian lakes? And put up a real BBT tent before the camping trailer… admit the satellite is the give away its today…:(

The tent You can order from your BBT distributor under BBT ref 6510-100

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27 juni 2016 - Meetings

Last weekend we spend some marvelous times with our 1952 convertible in Lavenham England for a gathering of vintage Volkswagens set up by The Historic VW club of Great Brittain.

We had a lovely time besides the heavy rain on Saturday afternoon… these pictures will give You a small taste of a very wonderful and very British weekend!

The Lavenham church is a real landmark! This weekend it was like a VW land mark!

2016-06-25 12.42.38

The setting was astonishing… unbelievable!

2016-06-25 11.42.10 2016-06-25 11.42.52Nice line up for the splitties as they call the Splitwindow buses in the UK…

2016-06-25 11.43.08 2016-06-25 11.43.31 Leder hosen…., selbstverständlich!

2016-06-25 11.43.56 More church, more VW’s…:)

2016-06-25 11.44.11 2016-06-25 11.44.36 2016-06-25 11.44.51 The KG display was even more beautiful, in  real English garden around a pond… we fully enjoyed!

2016-06-25 11.54.10 2016-06-25 12.00.01 2016-06-25 12.07.20 2016-06-25 12.08.21 more “splitties”…:)

2016-06-25 12.21.44 2016-06-25 12.22.50And some early war equipment, are they preparing for a new war against the old continent after the vote out of the EU? …LOL!

2016-06-25 12.23.52 Judson power on a 1949 split beetle, on its wheels from Holland!

2016-06-25 14.35.39 and then the rain started… …

2016-06-25 15.17.44 … it rained cats and dogs as they call it…

2016-06-25 15.18.46 … but not old wives yet… although, kind a close… still I like these pictures!

2016-06-25 15.19.32In between rain showers some more pictures… in the Pub, out the Pub, in the Pub out the Pub… Gin and tonic was nice… and after all whats wrong with an early starter drink before dinner?????

2016-06-25 15.35.53 Sunday morning was nice and we prepped our 52 vert for the tour… we stayed in this lovely Bed & Breakfast… Simon and Angela took really good care and the breakfast was marvelous!!!! hmmmm..:)

2016-06-26 11.46.04 Suffolk is a real nice piece of Britain! We enjoyed the tour fully!

2016-06-26 12.44.26 2016-06-26 12.45.06We wouldn’t mind this little country home at all! Car fits perfectly, doesn’t it?

2016-06-26 12.56.44Or shall we go for that fancy dinner in the great house at the Market Place downtown???? …

2016-06-26 13.14.32We like to thank Charles Oldroyd a lot for the invitation and the great time he gave us… keep up the work with your team Charles and we meet again in Lavenham four years from now!

2016-06-26 13.22.57


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