8 maart 2016 - Meetings

Last sunday, right in between all our business meetings, our friend Francisco picked us up at our hotel to drive to a car show with a swap meet here in Sao Paolo Brazil.

2016-03-06 14.19.30Beetles in all colors and models, kombis everywhere, but especially all the special Brazilian VW models You don’t see no place else!

2016-03-06 14.19.43 swap meet was packed and loaded… scored a couple of ubercool logo’s for my personal collection… souvenir from this pretty hectic trip…:)

2016-03-06 14.27.15There was MANY people, a real Brazilian thing….

2016-03-06 14.30.17Vw Variant, Brazilian market only… nice huh?

2016-03-06 14.30.46 Crazy Gurgel… looks like an armoured car!

2016-03-06 14.46.14 Hey Pascal, this ones for you! watch the base-ball bat fixture!

2016-03-06 14.47.04Another more “moderate” Gurgel…

2016-03-06 14.47.40 Hmmmm Yammie!

2016-03-06 14.51.30See the difference  between a Variant(red) and a Brasilia (blue)… they’re different cars! totally different…

2016-03-06 14.51.15

Another lover… Brazilian made Karmann Ghia… YES! the tail lights are original… for us Type 3, here “just” Ghia… cool huh?

2016-03-06 14.51.56
also bumpers are slightly different… it’s so cool to point out the differences…. we enjoyed sunday morning fully!

2016-03-06 14.52.51 2016-03-06 14.53.57 Harley Davidson and VW’s, seems to match real well, also in South America!

2016-03-06 14.57.19 Nice Kombi deluxe…

2016-03-06 15.04.07 Panels are rather rare here, they all worked till death!

2016-03-06 15.04.46 This cool accessory seemed to be a dealer installed item… don’t know,  but as its pouring rain here sometimes, it might help to not get soaked!

2016-03-06 15.06.47There was also a lot of other classic cars on this show… very old ones too! Classic cars are living big time for sure here in Brazil!

2016-03-06 15.07.13 2016-03-06 15.07.27 Extreme rare Brazilian Standard… the dashboard of a Brazilian standard was a different stamping! Believe me or not, makes this car stand out BIG TIME!!

2016-03-06 15.12.57 Nicolas, this one’s for you my son…

2016-03-06 15.14.31 even the odd 356 showed up! I liked the license plate… try to figure it out…:)

2016-03-06 15.15.04 american iron, in all colors to choose from…:)

2016-03-06 15.15.09 Hold!!! what’s this??? I cracked and bought it… and even place it here on my blog… this car was on my bucket list for 10 years… and NO!!!! it is not watercooled!

2016-03-06 15.18.35 First two production years of the GOL (Not to mess up with Golf please) they came with aircooled engines in the front…  the rebel in me will take this car to all European aircooled only shows off course… will love the discussions from the specialists… oh btw… I learned so much this trip there’s two more new cars on my bucket list now…

2016-03-06 15.21.03 Big truck at the entry!

2016-03-06 15.22.38 loads of people…

2016-03-06 15.28.27 Karmann TC, another Brazilian exclusive…

2016-03-06 15.31.52 and a 4 door sedan… used to have one like this a mere 20 years orso ago…

2016-03-06 15.32.16 Another nice pressed bumper deluxe

2016-03-06 15.33.12 how cool of an accessory is this???

2016-03-06 15.37.40

what a beautiful sunday morning we spend! weather was finally great! (first day of our trip) and cars and people been cool! I scrapped another one from my bucket list, and learned A LOT about Brazilian VW’s, very important, never forget, Brazil is the second VW country in the entire WORLD!!!

Francisco Thanks buddy, this was a great experience, hope I can give You same experience back one day….

7 maart 2016 - Stock parts

6 maart 2016 - Fun

Brazil has a large manufacturing of real full size trucks… as far as we could figure out it’s the 3th most sold truck in this immense country so You see plenty on freeways, not always easy to capture, I did my best and like to share this pictures with You on this cool lazy sunday… (read our lazy program for today below)

2016-03-03 14.18.58 2016-03-03 14.22.43 2016-03-03 16.09.39 2016-03-03 16.16.25 2016-03-03 16.17.17 2016-03-03 16.30.11 2016-03-03 16.38.55 2016-03-03 16.41.37 2016-03-03 20.30.13 2016-03-03 22.07.14 2016-03-03 22.07.24 2016-03-04 19.09.57 2016-03-04 21.35.04 2016-03-04 21.35.59

Today we will attend a VW show, have lunch with an export manager from a carburetor factory, take an airplane to another city 500km south, have dinner there with a production crew for engine cases, tomorrow three full factory tours with meetings, and in the evening we fly back to Sao Paolo. Only so You don’t have start feeling sorry that our trip would be a boring one….:)

oh yes we saw the swimming pool… in the hotel brochure already…LOL…:)


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