2 februari 2020 - Fun

So if you think on Brazil as your typical third world country you’re wrong… Sao Paolo is a very vibrant industrial capital with nice buildings and well maintained freeway sides… the skyline is impossible to capture as it’s extremely spread out, and the nice area’s are growing, the favelas shrink….

Outside You see kombi’s… everywhere, feels so cozy, so real…:)

Fruits are very fresh here as never been deep frozen, so different, if we don’t eat fruit at home or about, here… everyday, plenty!  Especially when we can buy them out of a Kombi!

Habitants of Sao Paolo been called “Paulistas” and they’re extremely inventive when they buy a car that’s larger as their garage…:)

ok we never say no to a good churasceria, or Brazilian BBQ! The Brazilian meat is fabulous!  Let the picanha come!

Yes! Networking in Brazil means having beers on the street!! Thanks Ricardo you’ve been a good host!

Yes we ‘re having a good time, and yes in between our too many visits we enjoy this beautiful country with its beautiful people… its different for sure, but its different everywhere isn’t it?

Today we fly south, to  city called Curitiba, for more factories and suppliers! Stay tuned!

1 februari 2020 - Random

More factories, more parts, more machines and….more friendly people, we’re in Brazil after all!

Rubber mixing, the preparation of the rubber for the extrusion machines…. hard work!

This is the inside of a rubber extrusion machine and mould…:)

Extrusion machines are not exactly small! Pretty impressive right?

Hard working factory employees finishing our products as it should… Multo obrigado guys, Thank You very much!

More extruders, this place had plenty!

And yes, we like to check on inventory, in a country as Brazil it tells a lot about the financial situation of the company…:)

Up to the next, smaller, supplier. But here the aim on quality and service is extremely high! We just love these guys!

As You can see they’re extremely well organised….

Happy workers, means many times good quality jobs!

Let’s learn about oil pumps, and find out to start-up production for 25/36 Hp correct oil pumps….

This IS Mr Oilpump himself! Assembling oil pumps for over 35 years, any questions? Plse ask!

Cup grinding of oilpump covers, for a perfect finnish!

Hardworking people, finishing oil pumps….

This is an aluminum extrusion machine…. you really should feel the heat! Astronomical!

This tooling extrudes around 7000 oil pump housings a year for aircooled Volkswagens. There’s two tooling for the base… together they “pump” around 12.000 units yearly… all to keep our aircooled friends on the roads!

This machine grinds the gears for the oil pumps, very specific job!

In another (small) factory we discussed a production of early vent wings, but quality was not there yet, let’s see what the future brings… there was other interesting projects going on here too, more later…:)

Next stop was a factory that is specialised in small parts casting, alu and zinc extrusion and fuel pumps….

We will try to bring back all model fuel pumps in their original looks, not just as a replacement spare part, but as a full value restoration part. Details are important for our cars, especially in the engine bay!

You like soup? Hot aluminum around 700°C!

He guys don’t look so serious, its only VW parts!

Time to drive back to the hotel, back to the city…

Lots of driving, we spends many hours in the car… And too many visits, but we learn a lot and meet many of our suppliers, can discuss many many products, quality, delivery times etc… is it worth it? You bet, somethings You can only do in a personal contact, it simply don’t work by phone or email….

First week is over, another week to go! So stay tuned!

31 januari 2020 - NEW

We enjoyed some beautiful winter days, while Bob and Jerry enjoy hot and humid summer days in Brazil, visiting suppliers and manufacturers….

We all can enjoy BBT News this week, with cool new products, which we like to introduce with this weekly Friday BBT NEWS edition…

We had the green corner windows already longer in our program, but now we like to present the clear ones as well…

They fit all 15 and 23 window buses including the Brazilian made 15 windows…

Sold each….

8949-710 Corner window – Bus 03/55-07/63 clear (1)

We like to present also the rocker under the sliding door for the T25/T3 or Vanagon (what’s in a name?)

The rocker for the left side (non sliding door) we already supplied for a  longer time under BBT ref 0892-300, and  now we enlarged our vanagon program with the right side. This is the rocker under the sliding door…

This rocker comes complete with the profile that holds the sliding door rubber below.

0892-301 Sill right – Bus 05/79-07/92

The seal for the sliding door can be found HERE

The treated plugs which hold the bolt for your security belts was already longer time available under BBT shop part n° W776-ZVW20PLUG, but out of popular demand we brought them into our general program.

This is an adaptor plug from the large 24 mm hole to the later 7/16”, but can also be welded in . We supply them with the proper bolt and washer for a correct installation of your safety belts.

Safety for everything…. Now you can install safety belts in any old classic car, that was not previewed to have these necessary safety devices…

Sold per set of one bolt and one plug.

0573-200 Seat belt adapter plug – Beetle 62-65, Bus 62-67

Following products came back in stock after a longer time being unavailable…

0909-500 Support clutch cable tube Beetle 72-74

1239-47 Emergency brake support rod right – Bus 02/73-07/79

1239-961 Emergency brake support right – Beetle/KG 10/57-

1239-890 Emergency brake handle left – Beetle 09/57-
1239-891 Emergency brake handle right – Beetle 09/57-

Various items are being removed from stock to make room for new ones. Of some items there is only 1 left in stock. So be quick, because GONE = GONE Prices excl. VAT

Air jet, Dellorto DRLA

2193-1-170 = Ø 170
2193-1-205 = Ø 205
2193-1-210 = Ø 210
2193-1-220 = Ø 220

6,55 euro

Air jet, Weber progressive

2193-2-185 = Ø 185
2193-2-195 = Ø 195

1,49 euro

2194-1-170 Fuel jet, Dellorto DRLA Ø 170

2,55 euro

2195-3-070 Idle jet, IDA Ø 070

2,95 euro

BBT NEWS team wishes you a very relax winter weekend… and for Bob and Jerry a way to hot and extreme humid Brazilian adventure weekend, ah!

PS don’t mess up Bob and Jerry with Tom and Jerry they’re from different comics…:)


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