1 januari 2014 - BBT Travels

Happy New Year!!!

May all of your wish for 2014 may come through, may we all find that extra long awaited Barn Find, but before all enjoy the cars we have!

We at BBT  will do our out most best for doing even more our best, tilt our service till the next level and find better parts, optimize our stocks for better deliveries, and continue to work on our quality as never before!

As some reading food we give You hereby for the third day in a row the complete JVWF 2013 report.

Part three of the fun at JVWF 2013, there is no end to the  VW fun here!

Ever saw a beetle painted with all kind of very rare stamps?


This is the car from the President of Volkswagen Indonesia, he’s also President from the Philatelist union of Indonesia, this car is two in one for him…

Food stall, all food served came out of the Bay window, I was pretty impressed with the menu, wide choice of food available…

Racing is being taken serious as well, “El Gato” was a really nice build race car, wowh!

Kubelwagen, yammie, but pretty special, this is hand made replica, with a nice surprise….

… right hand drive!!!!

Cool bus, and the style a real rat should be…

Jack can be proud…

Cheap seats you get right behind a serious Derby at a modern football or soccer arena…

Still every time I came across this art work I saw more and more detail, so nice, so special, 5 where made, all been sold!

It reflected the colors from the big JVWF 2013 very nicely, like it changed every 30 seconds from color….

Nice bus huh, You love it? its a reproduction split, made from a Brazilian Bay window, crazy but through, in Indonesia everything is possible… mainly making 15 windows, our friend Yumos made a camper replica this time, crazy nice!

Another Yogyakarta based company called “Extreme”, very highly specialized in concept and prototype cars, they make really weird creation as for promotion and the like, now I start to know where Hot Wheels gets inspiration…:)

They also working on a steel Ghia convertible, hand made of course, as everything over here, Made in China is absolutely no popular over here!

Swap meet entry with first boot from Terror Garage and BBT! The booth was a little short time to make something nice, but we promised the organizers next time will be massive!

Ah! lunch was served, back to the reproduction split camper for dining, the bus eats like she looks, this means perfect!

Yes off course they sell stickers, all so cheap all reproduction stickers! unbelievable, and very creative….:)

Hand made mini bikes….

Yes the indoor show was massive! wowh! but there’s outside too!

Enough for today, before all blog computers explode…

Tomorrow more of the goodies!

31 december 2013 - BBT Travels

Part 2 of our JVWF 2013, the fun continues!

Vugeng Wawuh welcomes you!, Very nice artist! I even have a souvenir from this guy, a work of art offered by Dakota club Indonesia to me! Terima kasih! (Thank you!)

Bus people are the same, everywhere, The Dakota owners club Indonesia club booth! Sitting in between Buda and his fiancee…. so nice lovely people, friends for life! Buda come to Europe please! This is an official invitation, you can travel my bus and enjoy!

Kids corner and drawing contest… JVWF is a family happening for sure!

The scale model bus, very well done, with hundreds of scale VW’s “on board”….

Extreme nice oval ragtop from Anto’s friend, Wawan from Cirebon…. cool “n nice car!

Always there was a ceremony, performance or dance going on, crowd was impressive, close to 15.000 visitors over the weekend!

VIP front row seats for us, wowh, we feel so good! Lunch has been served!

Bali Dance performance act, on the main stage… when you never saw it, you have to, its so cool to see how they perform with the whole body, fingertips…. even with their eyes….

And the dance from other islands as well… I think this was from Sumatra, but anyway, they where all very very impressive!

Alain and Frederik enjoy… Full Force!

The end of this dance performance group. CONGRATULATIONS!

I had to sign the door prize give a way Bay window High roof with all the other prominent guests, where under the minister of Sports and Youth, president of Volkswagen Indonesia federation and so many more… JVWF is the most important VW festival in Indonesia…

Hey BBT Ann and Ingrid on BIG screen in Indonesia!

Tech talk and talk shows, BBT Alain gave a panel talk about reproducing parts, why, what we look for, BBT philosophy and so on, first time on main stage, and despite a not so good sound system set up, he was doing extremely well!

Next was the turn for  yours truly to have a main stage panel talk about car collecting, reproduction cars and more…

…. and then came the big surprise for me… the committee didn’t forget about my Birthday this day, and offered me a real Birthday cake, on the main stage! I was blown of my socks, couldn’t even speak for a while… all on main stage!

Yep 49 years, a Birthday to remember!

They even printed my picture on the cake, (so they couldn’t miss who to give it too, Lol!)

One surprise to the next, my loooong time Indonesian VW friend Harry Renkung! What good to meet back, we didn’t see each other for over 10 years!

To come back to reality we start walking again… some nice custom tricks brought our hearts back to normal peace…

RestoCal rules!

Red was always cool for a beetle….

And another ride with BBT GT sprintstars, Indonesia is the only country with more steel sprints as repro aluminum… who has style????

Another blow away  RestoCal….. I really had many times problems staying cool! what a show!

Three in a row, all so beautiful, choosing favorite pic very difficult….

So enough for today, even writing this heats me up again….

Dec 31, can I wish all of you a really good celebration of the old and perfect kick off for the New Year, tomorrow part three of this amazing JVWF show, so stay tuned!

30 december 2013 - BBT Travels

Because I don’t want to overload your computer I decided to split up my wonderful visit here in several portions for the rest of the week. (or almost!) Today (Monday) I fly off to Bali to visit some local friends and a couple of days of rest after these crazy non stop last 14 days of visit and travel. Next Friday I’m heading back for home… so meanwhile I hope You will enjoy my reports from The YogYa VW festival 2013 and let’s start with part 1, Saturday, Dec 28,  after my arrival at the venue!

Say hi to the crowds, from inside the BBT bus, and start walking….

First impressions? Very high build quality on an extreme creativity… Indonesian VW scene rocks! Believe me!

Do you prefer a race Ghia, or a bone stock, lowlight convertible? Choice is yours!

The quality AND quantity of Bay Window bus was enormous!

Friend Wawan’s latest Project, let us explain…. take a Porsche Cayman, rip off the body and all you don’t need and slice it under a split window bus body, almost ready to drive in style! In Indonesia there is no build limit….

And Wawan’s “other” bus, extreme nice and crazy cool finished panel with Indian motorcycle logo’s…. this is a panel van extreme! I wouldn’t mind shipping this over to Belgium!

Extreme buggies,  local fiberglass buggy builder. Top quality quality and finish again, wowh, would there be a market for such cool buggy bodies in Europe? We can import those if You want, we await your reactions! (but please only after January 07)…. on the picture with owner and builder ….

Mr President of crazy engine builders… that was how this car was announced to me.  The back was FULL of engine! The car is extremely fast, I’m so sorry I forgot to ask the best result, I was just too impressed…

How you like a set of BBT GT Sprintstars on a 181 “Thing”? cool huh?  Here the 181 is called “Safari” there is many and also several very nice ones! The sprints finish it off nicely!

Split extreme, as so many….

First life show entertainment, an authentic dance set from Papua. Indonesians are extremely proud on their heritage… it was very impressive too! Don’t forget to check out the banner in the back ground…

VW club of Bandung have their own broadcasting bus… This is just one of many examples of how hot VW club life in Indonesia really is!

Scale competition was massive too, with many cool models on display, I think this was my favorite pick….

The venue itselves was MASSIVE! Incredible, really large indoor, and outside outdoor too!

I said MASSIVE! Do you find  Alain on the picture?

The serious works, BBT pick of the weekend, won the very most coveted BBT GT Sprintstar trophy!

“Volksrod” is a car extreme, VW to the next level, it blew me away, wowh, especially the interior, about perfect… in my eyes that is… and yes, for Wawan especially, let it be clear; I like custom cars as well…

Oh yes, the wheels are home made, I said before, there is no build limit in Indonesia, when you want something, you make it, that’s final!

But “Volksrod” was not the only Hot rod, they had several on display, look at this cool front axle…..

Batek is a typical style of printing for Indonesia, on clothing, this motives been signed and painted by hand, on a car they use airbrush….

They do have them also in bus…

Take my breath away….

Oh yeah baby!

Over-sized Empi 5 spoke as a sitting corner table? Mr.Yumos would love to make them for you, inquiries welcome!

Or do you prefer a Type 34 sofa? Everything is possible, also available in 181 “Thing, beetle etc etc… fiberglass… Nice!

Getting local, hanging out with some VW club members from Bali….

Type 3 movement is very well going as well, the club and register do a great job, and had several cars on display over the weekend!

My favorite club booth, although the guy was kind a cool there was not a lot of “movement”….

First paint, all original, we do like originality! Wowh, even at water cookers?  Let us think a little bit about that…. but for sure we could appreciate!

Another “very special” car from VW Club from Bandung,  the “Disaster respond unit vehicle”, used at least once a year to support victims of natural disasters with medicines and first aid. Indonesia is living with active Volcano, frequent earthquakes and more natural activities of this kind, but a VW club that has a active respond vehicle to help? I’ve never seen before! Keep up the great job guys! You’re doing wonderful and are an example of humanity for the whole world!

I think Frederik needed urgently help from the nurses here…

Yours truly having a great time, found a toy in the kids corner he really liked….
The difference between man and boys is only the price of the toys! have fun!


Enough for today, other wise your devices will keep on loading pictures, but we will be back tomorrow for the next part of this beautiful show experience!


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Carrosserie panelen > Dak

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Carrosserie panelen > Dorpels

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Carrosserie panelen > Kofferkleppen, motorkleppen & achterkleppen

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Carrosserie panelen > Pick-up

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Carrosserie panelen > Stijlen

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Carrosserie panelen > Vloeren & scheidingswanden

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Carrosserie panelen > Wielkasten vooraan

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Carrosserie panelen > Zijkant

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Electriciteit > Alternators, poelies & riemen

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Electriciteit > Batterijen & onderdelen

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Electriciteit > Bedrading & zekeringen

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Electriciteit > Cockpit

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Electriciteit > Ontsteking

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Electriciteit > Startmotoren & toebehoren

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Electriciteit > Verlichting

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Electriciteit > Zenders & schakelaars

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Motor > Olie systeem

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