3 januari 2014 - BBT Travels

Tonight I fly back home out of Denpasar, Bali to Amsterdam…

I planned a couple of days rest after a busy  couple of weeks but instead a flue attacked me and I was three out of four days in a Bali bed, same time it rained here almost completely, after all,  not so good. We will never forget the kindness of the Bali people, and again hospitality and sympathy that are here like second to none!

I hope to have a relax flight and my illness will not make it a bad ride….  I will miss Indonesia a lot, but the memories are fond… we will be back for more!

For the last day hereby the (final) report from the JVWF 2013….

Also the ladies ride a bike here, two “local fruits” just arrived to enjoy JVWF 2013 like we did (although we came by car …)

Some people we’re packing already… This magic VW festival came to an end, a lot of people had to drive long distance…. packing you do the Indonesian way, climb on the roof…

But still we saw a lot of cars not seen before, due the size of the event, so an extra walk was really necessary!

A VW bus kind a prominent between its two Japanese colleagues…

Wawan’s sister came especially to the event to meet us, very high ranked in politics, she ‘s extremely busy, making time for us it meant a lot to me!

Time for a little rest in the BBT lounge, these guys thought about everything! With view on Terror Garage Rometsch, something we really didn’t mind…

View from our lounge as well was this cool beetle…

All kind of people wanted to take a picture with us, it was nice and cozy…

Another big event in Jogjakarta is the custom show, here we’re on the picture with the vast members of the organizing committee… maybe we should come back for more????

One of the top stars of this event was the president of the Indonesian Kustom Club latest ride, a front engine VW trike overloaded with custom tricks…

One of the most special tricks was the RAM style intake, like on american muscle….

Prize giving…. BBT GT sprint-star prize and a BBT T shirt was given to the Volksrod, our personal favorite, but I thought all VW’s should receive a prize!

So we donated 250 BBT stickers in the audience, never went rid of 250 BBT stickers so fast….

The audience for prize giving was large, very large, as the door prize, a real VW combi High roof, would be given a way as well!

A couple of very intensive moments later it happened, this young guy just bought two entries for him and his girlfriend and was the final winner of the door prize! The winner didn’t have a drivers license as he had no car, was very new into the VW scene, so over happy…. they tilt him on top of the roof so everybody could see him… the nicest part actually is he and his girlfriend got married next month! So now it’s time for him to get a drivers license and I see a very nice honeymoon!

At the end there was a picture of all committee members with yours truly… very fun indeed!

Somebody deserves a very very special Thank You here, Pungki, on the left, was my liaison officer, and he really made I didn’t came anything short, thanks Pungki, thanks so much, and also so nice to learn to know your fiancee, we wish you a happy wedding with lots of children…

We went out like we came in, with my friend Anto in his Rometsch, it was cool, and I will never forget…

Outcho (I hope I spell it right) gave us a very cool good bye out of his Volksrod, BBT’s prize winner….

I learned a lot this weekend, very much! But the most important is that the Volkswagen hobby doesn’t has to see anything with race, age, religion or believe, its a simply human thing, only build on passion… Wish we may be an example for the whole world!

JVWF people 1_blog
Last note… on the return home after the JVWF 2013 to their home in Surabaya, one bus crashed, the driver lost his life and the owners of the bus where taken to the hospital with very bad Injuries… Our heart goes out to all the family and friends of Mr Totok the driver and proud member of the VCS Volkswagen Club Surabaya, and we wish Mr & Mrs Otty a very well end especially speedy recovery… Pictures of the crash didn’t reach me in time, sorry….

2 januari 2014 - BBT Travels

Recovered from festivities? I hope so, here you get part 4 and before last part of the JVWF 2013

Part 4 is showing what was going on in the outside parking lots, weather was supertastic…. A little Hot heated us nicely up in the winter months!

The new Dodge VW, did you not heard yet?… We thought it was a cool ride….

Beautiful Crew cab made from a Brazilian bus, I like the crew cab corner windows…

Real custom?

Cool white, little refreshing in the hot sun….

If they have rust? Yes they do, especially the Brazilian buses have quiet a lot of it….  although this was a German made bay…

As said, build quality is really extreme, and fantasy and dedication unseen, no place…

What’s nicer as a really nice crew cab? I love it….

Oh yes, Hot Wheels too…

Local waste transport car… really, unbelievable, Indonesia has not really a waste management, its here and everywhere…. pretty special…

Local people are so multi friendly, unbelievable!

Ready to Rock and roll, or …. going to the temple?

Old bike, old beetle, thought this was a cool picture…

Or do you prefer a Bling Bling Safari?

This bus was donated once by the Belgian government in a humanity program, nice to see it still survive and is real good taken care for….

Buses everywhere… not a small event by any means…

Nicolas by the car of the Minister for Sports and Youth, no, he didn’t offer me  his license plate…

Camera time again, my footage to the committee …. yes I had to work hard…

Cool bike huh? Hand made, unbelievable! Every dimension was about right!

Four wheel drive split REPLICA! Made from a Brazilian bus and the frame, axles and engine from a Daihatsu Rocky, this will bring you about EVERYWHERE!

Another rod…

Or do you prefer a safari (or thing) dressed up for the Jungle? All and everything is here and can be seen, really really unbelievable!

Oh yes, we do like cool early bay’s!

This guard protected the building and everything inside… not an easy guy at first glance, thanks God he’s from stone….

High ride? or Herbie? You can have both at the same time… pretty impressive and again, nicely made….

OK enough for today… It leaves me more then enough pictures for the last part of this amazing trip tomorrow, so stay tuned!

1 januari 2014 - BBT Travels

Happy New Year!!!

May all of your wish for 2014 may come through, may we all find that extra long awaited Barn Find, but before all enjoy the cars we have!

We at BBT  will do our out most best for doing even more our best, tilt our service till the next level and find better parts, optimize our stocks for better deliveries, and continue to work on our quality as never before!

As some reading food we give You hereby for the third day in a row the complete JVWF 2013 report.

Part three of the fun at JVWF 2013, there is no end to the  VW fun here!

Ever saw a beetle painted with all kind of very rare stamps?


This is the car from the President of Volkswagen Indonesia, he’s also President from the Philatelist union of Indonesia, this car is two in one for him…

Food stall, all food served came out of the Bay window, I was pretty impressed with the menu, wide choice of food available…

Racing is being taken serious as well, “El Gato” was a really nice build race car, wowh!

Kubelwagen, yammie, but pretty special, this is hand made replica, with a nice surprise….

… right hand drive!!!!

Cool bus, and the style a real rat should be…

Jack can be proud…

Cheap seats you get right behind a serious Derby at a modern football or soccer arena…

Still every time I came across this art work I saw more and more detail, so nice, so special, 5 where made, all been sold!

It reflected the colors from the big JVWF 2013 very nicely, like it changed every 30 seconds from color….

Nice bus huh, You love it? its a reproduction split, made from a Brazilian Bay window, crazy but through, in Indonesia everything is possible… mainly making 15 windows, our friend Yumos made a camper replica this time, crazy nice!

Another Yogyakarta based company called “Extreme”, very highly specialized in concept and prototype cars, they make really weird creation as for promotion and the like, now I start to know where Hot Wheels gets inspiration…:)

They also working on a steel Ghia convertible, hand made of course, as everything over here, Made in China is absolutely no popular over here!

Swap meet entry with first boot from Terror Garage and BBT! The booth was a little short time to make something nice, but we promised the organizers next time will be massive!

Ah! lunch was served, back to the reproduction split camper for dining, the bus eats like she looks, this means perfect!

Yes off course they sell stickers, all so cheap all reproduction stickers! unbelievable, and very creative….:)

Hand made mini bikes….

Yes the indoor show was massive! wowh! but there’s outside too!

Enough for today, before all blog computers explode…

Tomorrow more of the goodies!


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