21 juli 2015 - Customer cars

Last week we delivered to cars to their new owners…

The first one to Jeff in Germany…. Jeff was over the moon and insisted h-these pictures came to the BBT Blog! Thanks Jeff!

01_blog 02_blog 03_blogSecond car was to UK, to Chris… and Chris was happy too, this van replaces a van that was stolen a while ago… sad story, but a (better BBT van) replacement gives always a happy ending!

04_blog 06_blog

Welcome to the BBT club guys!

19 juli 2015 - Friends of the house

BBT has VW friends all over the world… some brazilian BBT friends mailed us some pictures from their rides….

Meet the pride rides of Adri, Cinho and Ri

fusca adri_blog fusca cinho 2_blog fusca cinho_blog fusca ri 2_blog fusca ri_blogHappy Sunday

18 juli 2015 - BBT Travels

Our buses awaited us for the last mountain leg on this trip… the world-famous Grossclockner pass, a test bed back in the day for Dr Porsche and his team to see how strong his designs really were… we will do the same to see how strong they still are…:)

IMG_1609_blogHere we go!

2015-07-10 14.57.45_blog This is the church of Heiligenblut. coming from Italy this is where the real mountain road starts… Heiligenblut has a very rich history, from an emperor who gave order to get part of the blood of Jesus Christ out of Constantinople, long story short, the knight who brought it back died here and is buried… hence the name…

2015-07-10 14.58.06_blog Climbing is all it need to reach the top…:)

2015-07-10 15.03.30_blog ha! Capricorns… like those very much, guess why?

2015-07-10 15.04.45_blog Hochalpenstrasse is a toll road, and not exactly a cheap one… but once your here You pay anyway more than likely…:)

2015-07-10 15.05.09_blog Beetle convertible on the way back…:)

2015-07-10 15.16.53_blogA lot of Hydropower all over Austria, the Grossclockner being not an exception…

2015-07-10 15.28.11_blogThis was so cool, human made, but well finished!

2015-07-10 15.29.05_blog yep, that’s where we drove….

2015-07-10 15.29.40_blog …. and that’s where we going… climbing about 12%…

2015-07-10 15.29.52_blogAnd here it is, the Grossclockner gletsjer the white peak in the back, this is the closest You can come, how beautiful and impressive was this?

2015-07-10 15.37.14_blog hey the mountain is the other way… what You staring to my bus????

2015-07-10 15.37.36_blog Well deserved stickers been attached to our faithful buses…

2015-07-10 15.39.53_blog Yiiihaaa!

2015-07-10 15.40.47_blogSign of a real driving experience….

2015-07-10 15.41.01_blog let’s grab some beer…. we well deserved it, yeah! Hochalpenbeerstrasse, now that’s a road I really would like to drive one day…:)

2015-07-10 15.44.17_blogEven this high in the mountains all kind of nice flowers grows in the wild…

2015-07-10 16.01.57_blog on the way to the next peak… some cool pictures…

2015-07-10 16.27.20_blogYours truly had the full experience… Drive your VW’s! This is what they’ve been made for… not for pussy’s!!! What a trip!

2015-07-10 17.23.00_blog Hochtor…. translates like Highdoor… door on high height…. 2504m, hmmmm yes…:)

2015-07-10 17.45.49_blog oh yes, we could have also come with the “postbus”… all original…. but very slow uphill….:)

2015-07-10 17.47.18_blog on our way to the Edelweisspitze… last stop…

2015-07-10 17.59.19_blogThis is the highest parking spot of europe…  the last leg was extremely steep, and I had to go up (and down) in 1st gear… real well worth it… normally only for mpotorcycles, but we loved it in our bulli’s…:)

2015-07-10 18.08.48_blog views are awesome!!

2015-07-10 18.09.57_blog yes, these winding roads we have to take back down, average angle of 12%… pretty steep…

2015-07-10 18.15.15_blog beautiful huh?

2015-07-10 18.15.22_blog

and we came down, friend David was awaiting to take pictures at the toll boot, about 16km from the top!!!… I was escorted by Motorcycles… looked almost like a celebration to me, well deserved honours all go to my well beloved 1958 samba, I’m proud on You bro’……..

IMG_1666_blogAnd yes, ferdinand Porsche designs are still very ok, I don’t mind driving up again next time!

So…one more stop on this trip, before heading home…. actually the real reason why where in Austria still has to come… stay tuned….


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