3 september 2017 - Friends of the house

Returning from the Spa meet couple of weeks ago I had a small break-down with my deluxe (yes I do drive that bus) and was helped by several guys, it was only a set of broken ignition points but whatever all help is always cool!

One of the guys that stopped was Klemens from Ljubljana in Slovenia, in his splitbus!! Offcourse he has been invited for a BBT tour!!!

a new VW friend is always fun!

1 september 2017 - NEW

With so many imports from the USA there’s a lot of Bay windows with fuel injection came to the old continent last couple of years… we try to keep up and do work on a program for Fuel injection parts, with this exhaust already as a result. Bolt on application to replace original muffler and way cheaper as an original exhaust as well… the economy solution for the fuel injection driver…

1016-000 Exhaust ‘Single Quiet Pack’ Type 4 engine (Injection)

This pin is mandatory if You want to keep the paint of the cargo doors from your split window bus nice, and prevent these doors from dents or damage.

Together with the door check strap BBT ref 0438-600 (-60) or 0438-610 (61-67) and the door check strap bracket BBT ref 0438-620 this pin prevents the cargo doors for opening over 90°. but when properly installed this pin can be taken out by hand for opening the door further for “wide loads” or where space not allows …. a super nice combo we have all complete now, make sure to get yours!

0438-630 Door check strap pin – Bus -07/67

After we destroyed our stocks because of quality issues from previous Chinese inferior product, we went out and looked everywhere to find a good replacement oil pressure switch. And as the saying goes “Look and Ya shall find” we found these… the best on the market, no compromise!

Made in Germany! With correct reciever for your wire protector rubber booth (our BBT ref 1818 )…

We extensively tested these senders on our own cars… yes, this is the one we use on our own cars! For us its equal to NOS.

We’re very happy we can offer these now to our customers for trouble-free use and accurate warning!

First stocks are in our shelves readily available, place your order now….

1817 Stock style oil pressure sender

Steering dampers for aircooled Volkswagens is pretty important, VW didn’t mount them themselves not for nothing since 1960 on all of their models.

Without going to far in technical details, the need for a steering damper in a Volkswagen has everything to see with the weight balance off course, engine and transmission in the back the engine even behind the front axle means the car will be always get a “front lift” effect when engine is on power…

The type 3 models aren’t any different as the rest of the VW crowd, but the model of steering damper is not exactly the same. Off course being a somewhat more rare car the manufacturers are not to keen to produce these steering dampers all the time and mainly do a run every two or three years… or less, but now they’re back… and we hope we have enough in stock till next production run.

1310 Steering damper Type3

Also all other steering dampers are available at very competitive prices

1312 Steering damper 1200/1300
1313 Steering damper 1302/1303
1316 Steering damper Type2 55-79

The BBT FPU team wish you a refreshing weekend! Enjoy, relax and stay cool!

30 augustus 2017 - Cars for Sale

Not your everyday car anymore, we can organise almost under a “once in a lifetime opportunity”!

For Sale; 1970 911 “S”model, beautiful as a Diamant, solid as a rock and drives like…. well like a real “s” should drive!! Almost 200hp, and torque to die for…

Don’t let it slip away, this is a unique opportunity for a perfect investment!



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