8 december 2021 - Cars for Sale

A friend of Da BBT Houze is selling his real 356 speedster currently on Ebay…

A real beast , with original Rudge wheels and full history,

Goes off tonight so You better hurry up!

Click the picture to be directed to the auction…

or use this link;

1958 Porsche 356 | eBay

7 december 2021 - Inside BBT

Due to a 300-500% raise in shipping cost, rising raw material cost and increasing value of the dollar rate against the euro, we are very sad to announce another price increase of our Silver Weld Through restoration panel line.

We simply have to…:(

We preview a general increase of 10%. Some bulky items might be more.

New price list will be effective January 1st. orders received before our annual holiday close down December 23 will be handled at the current prices but only for our existent inventory.

Back orders will be charged on the prices applicable when they come in.

For all questions or information about this, feel free to ask your favorite BBT sales person.

6 december 2021 - Friends of the house

Last week I visited plenty of suppliers and customers and yes some cool projects are “in the works”. But I save you the boring stuff…

I paid also visit to our supplier So Cal Imports, who make the Engle camshaft and TriMill exhaust…

So Cal Imports is ran by Andy and his wife Candaces. Two of the best people you can meet in your life!

The factory tour was real nice and I learned a lot…

Engle Cams was founded by Joe Engle in the forties as he wanted better cams for his Flat Head engines to race the salt lakes…

It turned into a bussines and an expansion to Volkswagen was just around the corner in the sixties with so many beetles around and too many young blood testerones that want to make their babies faster…

So Joe bought more and more machines and specilised into cams with an experience never seen elsewhere.

When Joe passed away Andy took over the machines and the entire Engle team moved to his premises in Carson, California, where they still grind and treat the Engle cams  till today!

This is the treasurie of Engle cams.

All dies to put on the copygrinders,

Every ring you see is a different cam lay out…

…. and there is three cabinets like this…

Copygrinders are very intersting machines…

People who know me definitely understand I spend quite some time there …:)

42year of experinece grinding cams… irreplacable…

Many machines not frequently used been packed in plastic to stay clean and free from dust and moisture… good work starts on a good machine!

What brings us to TriMill,

Started by John Miller many moons ago who had three sons, (hence TRI MILL….)

Some excenter presses to make the side covers for the silencers…

This guy welded more silencers in his life as probably anybody on planet earth, unfortunately he will retire in February…

With this result…

To properly stack away for the next step….:)

So many processes have to go through…

These are the tube benders.

I want to say a BIG BIG Thank you to Andy and his team to show me around and explain me all details, SO-Cal is a beautiful company. They make a genuine product as proven above!

From your local guy here to you, all the best!


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