6 mei 2012 - Inside BBT

BBT’s own schwimmwagen needed a transmission overhaul badly… so first step is to take transmission out.. as from what we could see this was the very first time this tranny went out! hmmm originality!…:)

First step…engine out, now we can see clearly the baby that has to come out… 

Koen, BBT’s trusty mechanic and his work of art!

messy content after removal… the tranny always leaked, already according previous owner, probably one of the reasons the body never have rusted? who will tell!

 anything You take off a schwimmwagen, it will always like more on a boat….:)

 the fresh born over aged baby…:) Koen looks sceptic after 11 hours of hard work, in a schwimmwagen everything has to come out from above, cut a hole and take it from below would be a bad idea, as we will have problems ever schwimming again…

 engine and transmission bay cleaned up, looks already way better….

from here we will bring the transmission to a very specialised shop with a large experience to rebuild ZF limited slip differentials from war time, we can’t wait to receive back and mount everything back together… to be continued.

4 mei 2012 - Inside BBT

Another addition to our wide range of Sunroof parts! This pinch weld can be found on Beetle and Bus sunroof edges to hold headliner clothing in place. Now you can get rid of that rusty, headlining contaminating edge!

Pinch weld molding for sunroof

As can be found @ Beetle…

Also used as headliner clamp on Type 2 -’67 with vinyl cockpit headlining…

Some new arrivals which we would like to mention are

# 0668-800 Direction indicator switch Type2 03/55 – 05/60 – 3 wire

# 0668-810 Direction indicator switch Type2 08/57 – 07/65 – 6 wire

# 0668-820 Direction indicator switch Type2 08/65 – 07/67 – 9 wire

And not to forget direction indicator switch buttons in black, ivory and grey to complete the switch.

And last but not least, BBT’s # 1258 German quality blue brake fluid tubes available again!!!

2 mei 2012 - Meetings

May 1st is a BIG bank holiday in largest part of Europe, being on a Tuesday this year we grabbed the opportunity to take a long weekend off and gone!

So we picked up kids after school on Friday and started our trip destination Italy! In Caorle just North of Venice there was the Beach Wheels runnig on Sunday, one of the only places in the world (and for sure the only one in Europe) where buggy’s are still allowed on the Beach, even only for one day a year…

Italy is all about Gelato (ice cream) ask Frederik!

 Now this is what You like to see when You come out of a hotel in the morning!

 ohwiedoo! Beetle Cookies for Nicolas! Grazie tante!!

 Anna en daughter Deborah from Dei Käferservice “sul posto!”

 you bet!!!!!

 and off it goes!

 hey hey, we said buggy’s!!! but still it was nice to see some vintage military machines around!

 The Beach! Nothing beats the Beach, not even close!

 always beautifull picture moments, for beetles and busss in attendance!

 Buggy time for Nicolas!

 yiiiihaaaa Baby, off they go!

 Whoehoee Ciao Senora, can I get a ride? Thanks so much Marco, You made Nicolas his day! big time!

 Is this the picture You will remember the rest of your life? 10 years and the world is @ your feet! Big Boy Nicolas!

 little meeting in the dunes…

 Flippo @ the wheel and our buddy Kobus (from EBI and Airmighty fame) @ the camera; take that magic shot Kobus! We hope to see it in the portofolio…

 And how do I look in a Buggy? I can tell You, it felt so good! Time to fix my buggy I suppose, midlife crisis???? ha! who will tell…:)

 yeaahwhooo off we go baby, Linda keep steady! some “humps” to come!!!

 unforgetable moments, fond memory’s the time of our lifes…..

 Sunday after (early) dinner, we pointed the nose of our car North again, not home exactly but to Hannover, as everybody knows at 1st of may VW show in Hanover, Germany I’m part of the “interior” since year counting! One of Europe’s finest! and You bet they crashed all previous records again!

coming out of the hotel at 06.00am was different like Italy, but we liked it as well! Franky’s VW service did a great job on this one, RESPECT!

 Ah eddy, this is what Highroofs are made for! who could resist a fresh made pancake served out of a High roof!

 never ever low is low is low enough!

 Dr Oetker was a wise guy, what made him stop doing?

 Big, bigger, biggest, its all about VW’s, parts and people!

 nice cars just everywhere!!!

 even everywhere in between!

 atmosphere! all about atmosphere!

We left pretty early to arrive home for dinner… what a weekend, 3000km with our whole family in the car and every kilometer worth of it! we met so many friends, saw so many cars, talked so many nice people and had such a good time, if we ever will do it again? You bet! can we start friday after school again? Bob and the Bob’s on the road again!


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