28 mei 2021 - NEW

Are we getting there?

Vaccination in Belgium rolled out well and getting about in cruise speed now.
Most of us, here @ BBT HQ, will be vaccinated during the month of June.

Good news also out of India, as they can re-open the industry next week after being closed over a month, completely!
It seems in most countries life crumble steady but slowly back to normal levels.

We hear even some VW shows will continue this summer.
Hopefully this war is over soon….

But the war for VW parts will never be won, hence we present you this week another pallet of new entries in our ever growing BBT program.

Started from absolute NOS ones BBT brings you the prefect copy for the 25/30 Din Hp (or 36 Hp Sae for our American friends) valve cover.
Made 100% identical with same sort a steel and on a specialized deep draw press for smaller parts.

We searched a while for the correct technologies and discovered this rather small but highly skilled press factory.
Still we had to refuse and correct a couple of pre-production samples before being on the right track.

We succeeded and are very happy with the result.
We couldn’t find any difference with an original, can you?

Fresh out of production and ready for delivery.

1770-250 Rocker cover 25/30hp BBT

Taillights in your bay window bus have a small rubber on the top and bottom, to get your wires in, and keep water and humidity out.
Tired of using various sources with questionable quality most of the time we decided it was time to make our own.

The results are in the details, and after all struggles and corrections of the samples we’re extremely happy with the result.
These little rubbers makes you happy, and your taillights too!

Two models, one completely closed, and one with a hole for your electric wires. Every decent bay window taillight needs one of each.
You can change to both with a hole for example for a tow hitch electricity escape…

Because of the quantity made we offer a real good price with very cool quantity discounts.
Grab yours!

0799-205 Grommet in taillight – Bus 08/71-07/79

0799-200 Grommet for cable in taillight – Bus 08/71-07/79

More expansion also with these VW Kombi cargo door handles.
Let’s start with the cargo door handle for Brazilian kombi up to 1975 and for German build Barndoor buses up to 03/55.

They come without key lock in the handle.

0425-630 Cargo door handle – Bus -03/55, Bus Brasil -75

We received these cargo door handle for cargo door without recess under door handle.
For German build buses they go from 1955 till 1958.

For the Brazilian Kombi build they will from 1976 all the way up to 1993 when they changed in Brazil to the sliding doors.
These door handles are locking and do come with two keys.

0425-640 Cargo door handle – Bus 03/55-07/58, Bus Brasil 76-93

For the above cargo door handle we have now also the correct buffer.
These buffer sits between your cargo door handle and your door and garantee a smooth operation

Used on the cargo door handle 03/55-07/58 & Kombi Brasil 76-93.

0425-641 Buffer cargo door handle – Bus 03/55-07/58, Bus Brasil 76-93

More on Vintage Speed this week is this perfectly shaped Stainless steel exhaust for 181 Kubel, Trekker Thing, Pescadore depending how you call the most square VW ever build.
We carried the version with the pre heat risers (for single carburetor set up) already longer time under BBT # 3280-400

Now we carry also the perfect exhaust when you decide to soup Da Thing up with dual carburetors.
This exhaust is made without the Pre heat risers, so gives a better fit and a smoother finish.

3280-401 Exhaust T181 – THING ‘Vintage Speed’ without pre-heat risers / Stainless steel

The next Vintage Speed exhaust we like to present in our BBT program for your T2 Bay window bus with upright engine (no Type 4 that’s right).
Comes with Pre heat risers so for single carburetor set up but with a hidden tail pipe.

As we all know, hidden tail pipes are made especially for lowered buses, to get more ground clearance….

3280-222 Exhaust – Bus 08/67-07/79 ‘Vintage Speed’ with pre-heat risers / Stainless steel – lowered, hidden tailpipe

We have also this week received quite a bit of back orders back in stock, some been out for too long and we’re happy we can offer again…

Ready for delivery on our shelves again.

1514 Pressure plate 180mm without collar

0890-40 Outer sill left – Bus -7/67 Auto Craft

0891-340 Rear wheel arch Left – Bus 08/67-07/70 Auto Craft

0716-5 Plug for window frame bolts, transparent, 25 mm

Thank you for watching our News.

The BBT News team wish you a splendid spring weekend!

26 mei 2021 - Inside BBT

After a long seach with more as one death end we finally found the right manufacturer to make Oval window ignition switches for us.

A huge project for a little part…

We’re very picky so we will make with correct keycode and even correctly numbered keys by the VW books…

So sad VW don’t allow us anymore to make the key with the VW logo …..

But all will be interchangable with the original parts, also the keys….

We looking forward to this project.

How many parts an ignition switch has? Well count for every part at least one tooling….:)

24 mei 2021 - Inside BBT

Today where closed

We celebrate pentecost and that’s an official holiday in Belgium

Tomorrow we love to help you again…


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