3 oktober 2015 - customers

Flat 4 in Tokyo is always a good place to visit….. Major BBT partner for  BBT in Japan!

DSC07218 é

2 Hebmullers on the second floor! This is what they call a SHOW room in Japan!!

DSC07399Walls and cabinets, full of EMPI parts, real EMPI parts, from a real rich period in VW aftermarket business…

DSC07402 Steeringwheel anyone?

DSC07405 Nao, general manager of Flat 4 himself, helps out yours truly at the counter…:)

DSC07408Well known dragster on display….

DSC07412This is the Flat 4 main office, or shall we call it “the bridge” like from an ocean liner??? This is the Flat4 nerve center for sure…

DSC07415Nice display of cars… and look close….;

DSC07417 2 cars from Belgium arrived on time… after Bad Camberg, Chimay and Spa, we shipped the Terror Garage Hebmuller and the BBT chocolate brown split window to Tokyo for a the 4th International Vintage Treffen in Japan! This is Guest parking only!!! Thank You Mr. Nao, Thank You Mr.Komori for helping us!

DSC07422 Terror Garage made very very cool stickers…

DSC07423 Yanto and Michaël of Terrror Garage fame just arrived on time too…. and mounted the Kamei Airdam on their Hebmuller…

DSC07424All together where the happy 4… Nao-san  thanks again for all help receiving and storing our cars! Without your help it would not have been possible!

DSC07426Everything is ready for the drive tomorrow…. Tomorrow… we will drive our cars trough Tokyo!!! Stay tuned…. we’re so excited…. you too?

2 oktober 2015 - NEW

This week we have 2 great products!

We’re proud we can finally offer a perfect alternative exhaust for your 181, Thing, Acapulco, Trekker or whatever You want to call the Volkswagen type 181 leisure car. The exhaust is made by Vintage speed and offer the same quality and fit like any other Vintage Speed exhaust. Good quality and good looking too!

Finally the perfect solution for your “Thing” exhaust issues!

3280-400 Exhaust – THING ‘Vintage Speed’ with pre-heat risers / Stainless steel – T181


Especially for competition engines. Reduces the resistance. The gear wheel of the camshaft is adjustable to accelerate or to delay a few degrees with regard to the crankshaft.

1624-2 Straight cut cam gear Type 4


1 oktober 2015 - BBT Travels

Yesterday evening we enjoyed a cool night in Tokyo, good restaurants and cozy bars seems to be part of the Japanese life and culture… did we mind??? not really although Jet lag was triyng to kill us real hard!

Try this restaurant, next time around, a real extreme Japanese experiment… the food was so good, I simply forgot to take pictures…:(

DSC07259Leaving the restaurant, we dived into Tokyo night life, the city is so cozy!

DSC07263Transport is no problem, cabs are EVERYWHERE….

DSC07265 I mean EVERYWHERE….:)

DSC07268 Streets are more like manicured, Tokyo leaves a very very clean impression to us, @ every visit…

DSC07269 We ended up in a cozy bar from a VW friend… Mr Hide Wakabayashi in his “Cafe Streamline”… interior is all made by himself…. and on special request he play You a couple of real cool tunes on his “Gipsy” guitar…

DSC07277 Everything You need fir us, thirsty people, and small food too!

You can find Cafe Streamline on Instagram…

DSC07283Or here is the full business card… show to any cab driver and You’ll be there!


After the night came the morning, a cool day with lots to do… some local VW friends decided to give us some side viewing today … yammie..

DSC07284Weather conditions let us  end up in a real fancy shopping mall, this beetle was in hat store… thanks God we don’t understand Japanese so couldn’t translate… “Plse no Pictures”….:)


Local Candy store making artisanal sweets…. cool to see and taste… 

DSC07298 Time for lunch… I choose this!

DSC07302Happy meal from yours truly!

DSC07312 The other side of the shopping mall was a museum, all free! wowh! All set up by Toyota! Thank You a lot Mr Toyota, you’re a nice guy… Domo Arrigatou…

DSC07314The setting of the museum was unbelievable nice! No big by any means, but just nice, with a LOT of detail…

DSC07320 DSC07325 DSC07331 DSC07336 DSC07337 Toyota 2000Gt, the only Japanese production model that I know of the Million dollar value club… the real Japanese  super car from the seventies…

DSC07341Outside fountain with more classic cars, as said set up was real nice…

DSC07346Some buildings in Tokyo are really mind-blowing, a pleasure for the eye!

DSC07353By the time we came back to hotel night started… let’s find that next good restaurant….

DSC07379Oh, You need some publicity for Belgian chocolate in Tokyo? Here it is! believe me or not, this is Japanese for Belgium chocolate…:)

DSC07382Another night in Tokyo is awaiting us, we’re 9 hours ahead of home, so while You work through the afternoon, we’re at dinner already…:)

DSC07386stay tuned for the next update tomorrow… I hope…


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