4 augustus 2014 - Meetings

Wowh! What a weekend! This was really a hell of a show, close to 2000 participating Volkswagens, I don’t know how many thousands of visitors yet, but let us just call it…insane! The weather for sure didn’t let us down this edition!

A couple of pictures for You to tease, a full picture report will follow as soon as we can!

The BBT crew, ready to leave Friday around lunch time!

DSC02459_blogPacked, I guess that’s the right word for it…

DSC02466_blog cool rides, everywhere, just a few impressions….

DSC02473_blog DSC02474_blog DSC02477_blog a lot of Brits made the crossing, not only for the party….:)

DSC02479_blog cool little looker?

DSC02480_blogCustom will never go away, always new cars popping up… I don’t appreciate the style too much myself, but I do appreciate the time of labor for such a project, congratulations!
DSC02488_blog extreme cool low light from Spain…

DSC02489_blogThe drive through the tunnel under the race track is a a “mustdo” for many over the weekend, the atmosphere? The picture tells it all, pick ups loaded with friends and people, and beach buggies out in full force!

DSC02494_blog and food stalls more busy as ever! DSC02495_blogthe nice thing about this location is all different levels, and when busy, there is Volkswagens just everywhere! so cool!

DSC02496_blog White Ghia before the white red cross building, thought this was a cool one!

DSC02500_blog am I low enough?

DSC02502_blog Monster buggy?

DSC02507_blog and let us trow in a little bit of art!

DSC02509_blogOld radar kombi from Belgian police dept, now serve as a bar! Watch the bottles hanging upside down in the front door, way better as a camera to catch speed freaks! Why can’t they make bars from all radar cars? Traffic would be so much easier!!!!….LOL!

DSC02510_blog Now, this is what I call a cool trailer!

DSC02511_blog original paint 15 window, without comment…..

DSC02513_blog nice line ups just everywhere!

DSC02516_blog another Combo that simply had to make our Blog!

DSC02521_blogPanelvan with Buggy Bro.
DSC02523_blog BBT Booth with our picture wall, yours truly was busy talking all weekend long!

DSC02528_blog Vippies before BBT’s picture wall included old friend and former of Super VW magazine Jacky Morel from Lege Cap Ferret France, it was good to see Jacky back in Spa!

DSC02529_blogMy absolute favorite picture of the weekend, I should frame and hang above my bed…. from Left to right… Paul Yvon Duffieux (in the back ground) Paul Yvon is the big engine and organiser of “le Bug Show” , Cathy Morel (wife of Jacky)  Linda and me,  Winnie Meyers, (wife of Bruce), French VW legendJacky Morel, and Bruce Meyers, the man himself! At age of 88 is handing out autographs like never before! For those who don’t know (shame on You!) Bruce is and was the inventor of the Beach buggy! All forgotten a mere 25 years ago, and brought back to VW scene (and to buggy business as well) by Jacky Morel, nobody else can claim that honor! and Bruce? well he’s one of the more happy people I know today!

DSC02535_blogThe line up for price giving… ain’t the race track real fabulous and even some magic? Imagine of all racing legends that battled here! They drove over this immaculate stretch of race track, only dreamin’….

DSC02539_blogOne more of another magic moment, Bruce signing T shirts “full force!”

DSC02544_blogWe met so many people, we had so many good laughs, had such good discussions, all weekend long, but one stands out… Denis, from former GDP VW shop in Brussels, this guy was the 5th BBT distributor back in the day, he wrote with us on our success story , so good to see old chaps back one day… thanks Denis,


Don’t miss out Spa “Le Bug Show” to me this is one of the very very best VW show on planet Earth! And I don’t even attend the parties, the night shows etc etc…. a weekend is simply too short!

3 augustus 2014 - Fun

Well I’m not sure, especially not how to see to it… but maybe its nice because its monstrous? Are that ugly its nice again… well any way, i might be good to smile on a Sunday, and for a smile, everything is good enough!

Real real Old skool, these car styles was popular around 25 years ago!

1800360_677079615707520_6523747098952407504_n_blog this is from a circus I suppose…. LOL!

10492245_677079795707502_6036371189634889923_n_blog This I thought is real funny, a BMW Isetta with a VW engine, put on your belts before take off!


2 augustus 2014 - Fun

Found at an airport bar, I thought this was a perfect promotion for one of our best selling export products….



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