4 oktober 2014 - Inside BBT

Last Thursday a crew from ATV (Antwerp television and broadcasting) was the whole afternoon shooting an edition for their pretty famous Sunday program of Antwerp@work presented by Linne Ooms

bbt-blog-6 This edition will be broadcast tomorrow Sunday Oct 05 after 10.00 am (and will repeat with a couple of other programs the whole day) and with recurrence on Thursday Oct 09 afternoon…

bbt-blog-5 Live stream can be seen on http://atv.be/atv-live/ 

bbt-blog-4 Don’t miss out BBT on air! 

bbt-blog-3All was very serious during editing!



3 oktober 2014 - NEW

Welcome to BBT product update on this beautiful, and sunny Friday….

A lot of new and very exciting products…

Top Quality wheel arches for 63-67 split window bus, these do fit like NOS ones, ready for delivery from our stocks…

0890-105 Wheel arch front, left, Type 2 Bus, 10/62-07/67 Top Quality
0890-115 Wheel arch front, right, Type 2  Bus 10/62-07/67 Top Quality

0890-105Every set of Ghia bumper You restore do need those…. now available from our stocks…

0085-190 Seal bumperbracket cover KG 56-71, as pair

0085-190Try to open your decklid of your Ghia without this part is impossible, make it proper, make it original, make it working…. this cable is the A part for a proper working decklid  ….

0963-260 Decklid innercable KG – Ivory knob

0963-260Finally we’ve been able to add this almost all the time-worn out or simply missing part to our stock program.. the ball joint snaps onto the wiper pivot one side, and to the wiper engine outlet bracket from the other side…..

2471-105 Ball joint for wiper linkage Type 2 Bus 03/55-08/64

2471-105This rod mounts between the ball joints on the wiper axles… so You can make your complete rod exactly like You need it!

2471-106 Wiper linkage rod, right side, 300 mm, Type 2 Bus 03/55-08/64

Back in stock

Back available! after some time of unavailability back in our stocks for immediate delivery!

0695-100 Single connector
0695-101 Double connector
0695-105 Connector 1 > 2


2 oktober 2014 - The new BBT building

15 years, that’s about how long  I was on the look out to locate one of these “rarest of the rare” purpose build metal garage box especially to size and dimensions and in form for a VW beetle!

This is build in Germany by the companySiegener AG from Seigweid G ermany in 1955! they been build entire from dirty cheap steel…:) Rust was a huge enemy, probably the reason there’s hardly none left anymore?

It’s the third of these garages I ever saw in the flesh and… third time best time …. this became mine about a half a year ago…. Thanks to BBT buddy Jan for the magic tip!

Enjoy the pictures, when You open the rear door the side door opens with a very simple but super cool mechanism!

DSC04082_blogOur 1949 beetle is on duty as model today….:)

DSC04062_blog In the trump of a big green whale…

DSC04063_blogLook the oh so simple mechanism, but that performs so well!

DSC04064_blogHello……,  out of the side door!

DSC04068_blogGet in, get out and close the door, have a nice sleep lovely beetle….

DSC04072_blogCool huh?

DSC04075_blogClean and closed, nobody see the beetle is inside!…

DSC04078_blogOur 1949 in the mouth of the big green wolf!

DSC04081_blog A very nice addition to our ever-growing collection of VW rarities…

Check it out @ your next visit to our VW paradise….

One more thing we can take of our “wanted” scrap list…:)


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